Saturday, December 27, 2008

Day 4 - Hiked to Palm Canyon - Anza-Borrege SP

In the morning, me and Mel filled up the fresh tank again with a cutoff bucket and our modified funnel.

We went to check out the museum in Anza-Borrego SP. The back of the building is built into the landscape as you could in the pictures.

This is Lawrence typing the honest and original account of the day at Anza Borrego. I (That’s me) got up and Honorable father Tom and loveable mother Melanie were already woke up. Even the slightly overweight house cat, Odie was already up too.

Had the Breakfast of ham, egg, and bacon. To me it was bland and unoriginal. Pretty soon Tom had convinced us to go to the three-mile trail called the Palm Canyon Trail.

Could you find me in this picture.

I was not intersted to go, but I still went there anyway. At first, there was a trail, but in the middle you go your own way. I went the hard way and Melanie and Tom went the easy way. In the hard way I had to step across stones and slide down rock and ran through the cactus. Fortunately I had a jacket so I didn’t get hurt, but in the end I put my palm to a log and get spiked. It hurt very, very bad. Pain for 15 minutes.

So at the oasis I eat tangerines and we start our way back. When I got back Melaine and Tom went to Central Market to buy pork steak and apple pie for dinner.

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