Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Oregon summer trip (Day 17) - Eugene to Grant Pass

8/2/11 (Tuesday)

After we finished our breakfast, Lawrence walked to B&N book store. Tom and I drove to wally to started looking for laundrymat around there. But GPS sent us circling before we found Wally. We drove to Costco then turned south from there. I saw a Safeway, Tom stopped by to see if they have good bread.  Tom was talking with the young man working in safeway store while I was inside the bathroom. Later Tom told me he tried to ask the young man why the bread were not crispy, he said to Tom sometime they are in a hurry that  is why the bread is soft.  The young man asked Tom if he could cooked for him, but Tom told him no need to cook only for him. Then Tom stopped by the Dairy Queen to check on his GPS for laundrymat. A girl employee told us we needed to move, since this parking space was for the pick up parking only. Tom left and go across in Bi Mart to do the check, but there was no laundry showed in the phone GPS. We kept on driving south, but we still could not find any laundryrmat. We turned around to head for Costco to fill out our gas.  I brought my coupon book to shop. I bought several items, such as Move Free with $5 off; 2 packs Bengay with $2 off; Always pads with $2.50 off and rice cooker for $29.99.

We drove back and towed our trailer next to B&N bookstore and I started making lunch while Tom called Lawrence to come back for lunch.  After we all ate, Tom wanted to ride the bike aound the river bike path.

So Lawrence and I went back to B&N to read books. About 1 hour later, Tom called my cell phone and told us we could come back any time. After a while, we went back to our truck and Tom started driving to Grants Pass's Wally.

  We get there around 7 p.m. and I bought pork chop for dinner. Tom wanted to buy a dozen donut for next day since they have the kind he like. I went back and started cooking. We had bean and salad, also remaining chicken from Costco and pork chop for dinner. Lawrence went back to Wal-mart countinued to read book. After I washed the dishes, I went inside to shop too. I bought eye pen and face mask for my face. By the time I got back to trailer it was already past 1:20 a.m.  After I washed up, Lawrence came back. Tom already slept.