Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Oregon Coast summer trip - (Day 11) - Coos Bay

7/17/12  (Tuesday) 

I woke up in the morning; put the receipt of the trailer battery in my purse for the return of the old battery to get $9 deposit. After careful counting, we only bought 8 handles for our kitchen of our house, but we need to get one more from Fred Meyer. Also needed to return the Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles for $9.99, Walmart only cost $6.94 for the same item.  I put all the items to be returned inside the truck, so I wouldn’t forget it.  Next thing I went outside and filled up my 2 gallon water and 1 gallon water for the outside uses.  Then I cleaned up the sand box and added more sand to the litter box.  Put all the trash outside into the trash can before I started cooking breakfast. 

Tom woke up to tell me to keep trying to run the microwave to raise the current so the trailer battery charger could start charging the battery. But I had no luck. Tom asked Steve about the function of the junction breaker block that Tom suspected was the problem. Because Tom saw Steve’s picture in Yahoo Flickr and thinking Steve knew a lot about that part. But Steve told Tom the battery charger should be the problem. Steve left very soon to their dentist re-appointment. Seemed like his wife is still sleeping due to late sleeping habit on watching TV.

We had the same breakfast just like the last two days, ham and eggs with our own coffee.  We went to Walmart to return plus shopped for more items.  This time we bought a Hello Kitty wall clock $9.88 for the trailer; Sony clock radio $10.96 for Lawrence; WII game $15 and a small storage(for makeup) box $6.97 –($1.00 coupon) =$5.97 for me. Some food; 4 white corns for $1.52 (.38/ea) Hungry Jack Syrup for $2.98; Tortilla Chip $1.98 and cat litter (it is crystal liked rather than sandy) $4.32 for 4/lbs bag.

By the time we reached Coos Bay Library it was already 4:20 p.m. we stayed until 7:00p.m and went to Fred Meyer, I bought one more handle (which I need 9, only bought 8) and the camping chair for $8.99.  Then we went to next door Safeway to shop for eggs which was happening to be on sale for $1.29 on large eggs.  Also bought orange juice for $2.99, we went back to our trailer and start cooking dinner.  We had beef steak with corns and baked potato, after that we went to Mill Casino.  I put in $2 dollars in the black jack machine, at the beginning I won $2.50 then I dropped down to .75 cents, and then I went back up to $2.50 again.  But finally I lost my $2; next I pulled out my .58 cents cash receipt from previous day and put it in to the 1 cent slot machine.  I lost it all in less than 2 minutes.  After that we walked back to the trailer and talk a little bit then we all went to bed.