Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tucson Winter - (day 11)

12/31/13 (Tuesday) (Warm free like 68)

We are putting second foundation coating on top of the roof, it does not take long this time, since Tom pour the coating on the felt and then roll to spread it. Tom only use less than ½ hour to apply the coating.


 Then we went to fill up the truck (cost $3.049/gallon – 13.63/gallon -- total $41.55) and both gas tans (cost $3.049/gallon – 6.45/gallon – total $22.52), plus both propane tans (cost $2.99/per gallon—Total $23.80)We went back to our land and put the propane tanks back on the trailer and put both small gas tanks next to the propane tanks. Next Tom washes both cats before we went to shopping. I told Tom I want to go to the mall. So Tom took me to Tucson Mall, but by the time we get there the mall is already closed. We found out they closed at 6:00 p.m., because it was the New Year eve. Most shop closed early today, so we look for food to eat, we drove for about cover miles. We even drive passed Tom's house in Tucson.

 Next we ate at the Hibachi Super Buffet at the Speedway Blvd. it cost $10.49/per person. They have good food, but I found out that most of the food when they are gone, it will not refill it back. So next time we need to be there early. After the buffet, I told Tom I want to walk around the store, since I am still full, I want to walk around. But Tom is missing the exit, we end up coming back home and watch TV.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Tucson Winter - (day 10)

12/30/13 (Monday) - (Cold in early morning, but warm around 10:00a.m.)

We were working on our storage shelf instead of the roof. Since we need to organize our mess inside the storage, we want to put up shelf. Also Tom wants the roof black foundation coating completely dry before he is going to apply the second coating.
 It took us the whole afternoon to finish some of the shelf. We were hungry when we are only half way done. We eat the eggroll that was left over from last night dinner. Plus I eat some of the tortilla chips and Tom eats some of the potatoes chips for lunch. After we finish our lunch, we went back to work, until we are able to put most of our stuff in order. 

 We need to go out again, since we have a lot of dirty clothes need to be wash; need to fill up our 5 gallon water; Tom wants to check out the price for his tire. When we are inside the Costco, we walked to the tire area; there were several people in front of us, so we decide to shop first. I found a 3 pk storage for only $12.79 which I want to use it for cat sandy box. Also I buy Margarita mix 2 for $6.99; Rotisserie (chicken) and dried Mango for $13.99. When I was checking out, Tom went back to the tire area to check on the price. But when I got there, he still was waiting for someone to help him. So I went to get a hot dog with soda and Yogurt for dinner and Tom was eating the chicken for dinner. Tom told me for 2 tires they will cost him $359, so we decide to look for other tire store.  We stop by the water kiosk for $.25/gallon before we wash our clothes. After we are done washing our clothes it was passed 10:20 p.m. then we drive back to our land. While we were watching TV, I was writing this journal until passed 1:00 a.m. in the morning.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Tucson winter - (day 9)

12/29/13 (Sunday) Sunny and warm weather (feel like 70)

Wake up late, passed 10:00 p.m. I clean up the cat sand box, I water all my plant. We have a small breakfast, by the time we start working on our roof, it was passed 12:00 p.m.
 Tom put the roof black foundation coating on top of the felt.  Tom brush the coating on all the edge first, then he starts using the roller to cover the whole roof. Then we remember we need to buy paint thinner to clean the brush. Tom finish the first coating and it was time for lunch; I cook the eggs noodle with shrimp and veg. After I clean up all the bowl and pot, we drove to the Harbor Freight to look for more paint brush; paint roller; v-share hang; hose hook and 12 piece of 6 inches mix saw. We found out they don’t have paint thinner. So we also need to go to Home Depot. Since I have the Harbor Freight 25% off coupon, I apply to mix saw. Next stop we went to Home Depot for paint thinner, I also buy some white latex gloves too. We stop by Fry’s Food to see if we have anything need to buy. We saw the Lays chips is on sale for $1.87/ea and I buy 4 cans of corn. I see they have white corn; mix white and yellow; super sweet yellow corn; bag of roll for $1.59; jam for $2.79.  Next we head for home and we have a small dinner, we have two roll (which we fry pan the roll and put butter and jam) and a can or corn.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Tucson Winter - (day 8)

12/28/13 (Saturday) - (half sunny cloudy feel like 65)

Finished all the soup and thousand year old eggs for breakfast. I used up most of  the water, less than one light on (fresh water) before Tom fill up the water tank.  Then we are working on facial board to cover the plywood shim.


 After we finish, we work on the door latch and the lock on the storage. Then we check all the screw on the storage wall, because some of the screws are sticking out, Tom need to counter sink each one before put the screw back in again. By the time we are done it was almost 5 o’clock, Tom said since we did not have lunch, we are hungry so we should go to the Grand Buffet again.  On the way there we stop by Lowe’s to pick up some round head screw; 3pk solar flood light and clear silicone. Tom said we should paid cash instant of charging the Lowe’s credit card, since we have extra cash. Then we walk to Goodwill across the parking lot to look for rug to cover the hallway of the trailer, where the cat walks to the bathroom. But we could not see any; instead we found a nice cup for 99 cents. Next thing we notice it almost 7:00 p.m. so we walked to the Grand Buffet for dinner, we have a lot of food (cost $9.99/person and totals we paid $21.60 + $2.40 tips). 

After dinner, we walked to Walmart. Tom saw a nice rug for $19.99 which we are going to replace the old one on our trailer floor,  we will put the old one in the storage for the cat walking to the sand box.

Tom want to check the price for his truck tire, most tire shops are already closed for the day, so we just walk to the auto department. The price is from $139-$159, so Tom wants to check other stores. On the way back to our land, I remember I forgot to buy eyes drop. I brought one from home, but I could not found it so I need to buy another one. So I told Tom we need to stop by the Neighborhood Market (by Walmart) to buy my eyes drop. We went back home and while Tom watch TV while I am writing the journal.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Tucson Winter - (day 7)

12/27/13 (Friday) - Nice weather (no wind and warm feel like 67 degree)

We have bread with butter and soup for breakfast. Since both of us did not take shower yesterday, we don’t need to fill up our water.  Then we went outside and working on the roof again, we continued to put the rest of the plywood shim. 

 In the afternoon we have the left over chicken for lunch. It is getting late before we finish most of the facial board , we will finish tomorrow. Because I want to go to the Grand Buffet to check on my eyeglasses. I asked the guy name Jay about my glasses, he showed me the black eyeglasses, which was not mine. Then we went to the Lowe’s to buy more particle board for the shelf. It cost $22.69 and we have the Lowe’s worker help us cut into 4 piece again. Also we buy 16 of shelf support bracket for $1.61/ea since if we buy more than 10 piece it will be discount to $1.61/ea.,  otherwise it will cost $1.88/ea.

 When we were still at the Lowe’s parking lot, Tom hear when his truck tire rotate every circle, it has the pop, pop…sound. So Tom asks me to check on the tire while he is moving slowly. I could not see anything wrong with it, so I drive his truck while Tom check it out. He was able to see what wrong with it. he shows me there was a large bump on his left front tire. I told Tom he need to buy the tire before we go back to Ca.

 I want to have pizza for dinner, so we went to Papa John’s at Midvale (520)-573-3434) open hours is 10:00 – 11:30 daily. Monday – Thursday Any Large up to 5 toppings for $10; Friday – Sunday Any Large up to 5 toppings for $11. I did not know this special. I only order 2 toppings (pepperoni and sausage) for $10 plus $.81 tax. While Tom is waiting inside the truck, I walk over to the Super Wal-mart and buy me some milk and dog food for the new dog (dog name: Woody and the owner name: Bill, live in the old trailer in front of the road.) While Tom is eating the pizza, I took a shower, then it is Tom turn to take a shower.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Tucson Winter - (day 6)

12/26/13 (Thursday) Windy speed up to 7-10 mph

We wake up with the wind blowing in the morning. Tom needs to closed the awning because we are afraid the wind will rip awning apart. First we stop by the library at Mark Rd. I walked inside and feel small but not too many people inside. I asked the lady who work there “Do you have Wi-Fi at this location.” she told me “yes” we have. Next I asked her “Do you have any outlet, she showed me several of them on the wall.

 After that we went to Lowe’s to buy wood for the shelf in the shed.  It cost $26.99 for  a half inch thick 4x8. We bought one. We found out that it does not cost us anything to have it cut. So Tom asks the worker to cut them evenly into 4 pieces for us. We also buy small screws and latch to keep the storage door stationary when open.

 We went to the 99 cents store to check out the eggs, but I found out the eggs is not cheap here either, it cost $1.79 a dozen. I decide not to buy the eggs.  I saw the grape sell for 99 cents a pound, I pick up one bag (2.25/lb) and Tom found the TV connector 2 for 99 cents. Next we went to the Chickenuevo for lunch. I buy enough chicken for dinner too. (Total 10 pieces with small drink for $16.40)


  I told Tom we need to buy some pork bone for the soup. After Tom drove to the Food City he felt so sleepy that he stays outside to sleep while I was shopping. After I finished loading the food onto the truck, I saw water machine outside the door. Instead of going back to Safeway to get water I just full up the 5 gallon here.  On the way back to the land I saw the Fry’s Food near the Ajo Way.  The wind die down before we got back to the land around 4:00 p.m.  Tom feel sleepy again, so he is taking a nap while I was playing with the cat.  After Tom wake up it was already passed 6:00 p.m. and we only able to put one piece of plywood shim then it was too dark to continue to work. Before we went back inside the trailer, we charge all the screwdriver batteries. Since I have the pork bone I cook soup for the night. While I was waiting for the soup done cooking, I start writing this journal.

P.S. I noticed my eyeglasses is missing, I try to look for it. But even after I search all over the trailer and truck. I still could not find my glasses. I though I left at the Grand Buffet, but when I called the place, the person who answer the phone told me that the only glasses they have is black. I told him I will come and check on it.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Tucson Winter - (day 5)

12/25/13 (Wednesday) -- sunny temp. 69 degree, windy at night

We have small breakfast and start work on the roof. Tom needs to remove all the wood and the blue tarp cover.


 Then he needs to make them more level to prepare for the felt ($21.99 for 72’ long and 36 in widths) Tom staples the felt one by one, we rolled three rows of felt on top of our roof.

 By the time we finish lay out all the felt and finished staples it was dark already, so we went back inside the trailer and I went to take a shower while Tom was watching TV. After I finish I start cooking steak with potatoes and corn, while I was cooking, Tom went inside for a shower. Later Tom told me that the water was over flow so I went outside to open valve to drain the waste tank. Before Tom comes out from the shower, I was already finished cooking. I start putting the food on the plate and spread out the butter for the potatoes. Also I mix the margarita drink for the dinner. Odie was sitting with me while I was having my dinner. At night we both can hear the wind blowing. Tom remember that he forgot to close the storage shed door. So we get up in the middle of the night and closed the door. It was windy but not too cold, feel like 40 degree at the middle of the night.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Tucson Winter - (day 4)

12/24/13 (Tuesday)

We wake up in the morning; we went outside and start filling up our water. We start fixing the fence with the wire. Then we remember today is Christmas eve, we better shop early before the Lowe’s closed. We got there around 3:00 p.m. we check the store closing time and it will be 6:00 p.m. . We went inside and with the help of the Lowe’s worker we got all the stuff we need for the roof. Then I told Tom we need more plates and bows. We went to the next door Goodwill and I found a nice set for $2.99. I found out it was 50% off so I only need to pay for $1.50. When we were exiting the parking lot, we saw Grand Buffet, I went inside and check on the food, it was the one I was looking for and couldn’t find it. I went outside and told Tom they have good food. But Tom told me we should eat the chicken today and eat the buffet next day. Then we went the Chickenuevo, but it was closed already. So we went back to the Grand Buffet for dinner.

   We went back home and Tom was sleepy again, around 9:00 p.m. Tom wakes up and took Odie to shower while they were inside; Ben Ben went under (close to the cat sandy box). Next thing Tom yell and told me we didn’t turn on the hot water, we don’t have any hot water. Tom told me we need to turn on both gas and electric switch to speed up the hot water. Since I have to get Ben Ben out I need to remove all the stuff and went under to reach for Ben Ben. I have to pull him out, because he does not want to take a shower. After both cats was clean I dry both of the them.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Tucson Winter - (day 3)

12/23/2013 (Monday)

By the time we arrived in Tucson, it was closed to 1:00 a.m. in the morning, I want to go to bad, but Tom wants to put all the stuff away before we could sleep. So we did not go to bed until almost 4:00 a.m.

 The next morning I got up 11:00 a.m. while Tom still sleeping until almost passed 2:00 p.m. While Tom was still sleeping I went outside and clean up the cat sand box and turn on the generator. I went back inside the trailer and started putting the stuff away. When Tom wake up I made coffee and tea, bread with butter for breakfast.

 We decide to go out for dinner, first we drove to the place called El Taco Tote. I try to check on their menu, but it was very confused so we went to the Mandarin Dragon. We only see one table and we check on the menu again, we could not find anything we like to eat. Next thing we went to Dairy Queen, but they closed for three day. Start from today 12/23,24,25, so we decide to go back to Phoenix Village for dinner. After that we went to next door Neighborhood Market (Walmart) to get some Friskies, small lotion to use on the truck, Minute Maid. Tom asks me do we bring any steak from home, I told him we don’t have any steak at home. Next we went to the Food City to buy top sirloin steak, 5 lb potatoes, two cans of corn. Then we went back to trailer and watch TV before we went to bed.