Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tucson Winter - (day 11)

12/31/13 (Tuesday) (Warm free like 68)

We are putting second foundation coating on top of the roof, it does not take long this time, since Tom pour the coating on the felt and then roll to spread it. Tom only use less than ½ hour to apply the coating.


 Then we went to fill up the truck (cost $3.049/gallon – 13.63/gallon -- total $41.55) and both gas tans (cost $3.049/gallon – 6.45/gallon – total $22.52), plus both propane tans (cost $2.99/per gallon—Total $23.80)We went back to our land and put the propane tanks back on the trailer and put both small gas tanks next to the propane tanks. Next Tom washes both cats before we went to shopping. I told Tom I want to go to the mall. So Tom took me to Tucson Mall, but by the time we get there the mall is already closed. We found out they closed at 6:00 p.m., because it was the New Year eve. Most shop closed early today, so we look for food to eat, we drove for about cover miles. We even drive passed Tom's house in Tucson.

 Next we ate at the Hibachi Super Buffet at the Speedway Blvd. it cost $10.49/per person. They have good food, but I found out that most of the food when they are gone, it will not refill it back. So next time we need to be there early. After the buffet, I told Tom I want to walk around the store, since I am still full, I want to walk around. But Tom is missing the exit, we end up coming back home and watch TV.

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