Friday, January 10, 2014

Tucson Winter - (day 21)

1/10/14 (Friday)  - Sunny feel warm 67

Wake up around 9:30a.m. Fill up the water tank, clean up the cat sandy box. I water the outside plant, also feed the woody (dog), I found out the dog was out of water. I put some water in his bowl he was happy and drink all the water I give him.  I come back and fill up my water bottle and take some more dog food to Woody again. I come back and clean up all the dirty dishes. 


While Tom was sanding the patch, I come in the trailer start writing today journal. After Tom done, I will help him lay out the vinyl tile. 

First Tom put a line in the center of the storage. Next Tom starts putting the center roll of tile. Then I will lay out the vinyl tile next to the center roll. I was keeping on going down, while Tom needs to specially cut the tile for the edge next to the wall. We have ham and turkey sandwich with ice tea for lunch. Then we went back to work around 3:45 p.m. We use up all the vinyl tile and almost finish the job. We just need another 6 more pieces, so both of us take a quick shower.

 We stop by the Samrose gas station for gas and propane. The gas price went up again, now is $3.11/gallon. Next we went to Lowe’s for more vinyl tile, this time we buy 10 more pieces. Then we went to the Taco Shop for dinner. I order the 2 Chile Rellenos combo for $6.95 and Tom order 2 Enchiladas combo for $6.65. After that we went to Neighborhood Market (by Walmart) to shop for food. We bought french bread; petite steak; honey ham; cole slaw, and then we went back to our trailer. We are leaving tomorrow, so I am going to start putting stuff away.

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