Sunday, August 3, 2008

Day 15 - Oregon trip (Sacramento)

I woke up early in the morning around 7:40 a.m. . I cleaned up the cat's box and fed them. Then Olivia opened the door and talked to me. I told her that I would be right inside. We had a long talk, then my son woke up and came inside the house. He was playing with Olivia two sons, their name are Brian and Jacky.

Brian was 15 years old after summer and would be 10th grade and Jacky was 12 and his birthday would be next week, after summer he would be attending 8th grade in school. By the time Tom woke up it was around 12:00 in the afternoon. Olivia told me that her father have a lot of fruit trees and asked if I wanted to go get some. I told her I would love to take some, so she drove me to his father house and he got me a lot of fruits and seeds for the food plants. Then we all went to Rice Bowl China restaurant in Florin Road for dim sum. Olivia forgot her purse, I told her not to worry I would pay it. When we drove back to her house, her husband Ben came back home. He just went to Mendicino to catch abalone; he got three abalones, which was the limit for the day. Olivia said they would give me one and told me how to clean and cook it.

Later on Olivia had to take both of her son for guitar lesson, she would be back around 6:00 0’clock. Before Ben went to take a shower, he asked us if we want to see a movie, which we did. Not too long later, Olivia took Jacky back home and told Ben that Brian was staying at his friend house. Around 7:30 Ben and Olivia took us to the Chinese resturant in Freeport Blvd for dinner.
We went back to her house and then Ben went picking up her older son. Olivia and I were both having a small talk while Lawrence, Jacky & Brian playing Wii game - Super Smash Bro Brawl. I looked at the clock and it was already 10:20 p.m. I knew they both had to work early tomorrow, so I told Olivia I better got going. We all said goodbye and good night then we headed back to our trailer. On the way home Odie and Ben Ben were both with us in the truck. Odie was kept moving around and mew for a long time, but we did not understand what he was trying to tell us. We though he want to go outside instead he needed to go to the bathroom. Next thing Odie was peeing on Lawrence head while my son was sleeping. So Tom has to stop the truck next to (Danville) Safeway parking lot. Lawrence went back to the trailer and took a shower. Also Tom took a short nap while my son were taking a shower. After that Tom woke up and head back to KTC. By the time we reached KTC it was already passed 1:00a.m. I was setting up the trailer bed and told my son to go to sleep. Then I helped Tom to unload the trailer. After that I went to bed too, which was already past 2:00 a.m.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Day 14 - Oregon (Redding to Sacramento)

When we woke up we start our truck and went to Safeway to get some gas. After gas we head east then north then west to arrive at Target in Dana. We ate in McDonald outdoor because of the cat was not allowed indoor. We then drove to the nearby Shasta Mall and saw a lot of classic car.

After that we head for highway 5 to Sacramento. We saw a Sonic Burger and Walmart few minute later next to Interstate 5 in Anderson. We stop for a while trying to get some Sonic food. But Mel did not like the way of ordering thru a mic while standing outside the store. We had the Air-cond on in the parking lot. It shut down for a while for some unknown reason after I used the water pump a bit. Mel also walk that Walmart a bit.

I told Tom that I wanted to visit Olivia. I wanted to take a shower, so we stop by one of the rest area (2 miles before city of Corning) which they have good location of water outlet on right hand side of the parking to fill up water. We all took a nice hot shower. One mile later TA gas station was closed by, few miles down was Rolling Casino we can stayed for the night. Three or four miles before Willow, there was a rest area which had a dump. At the last rest area, we decided to cook for dinner which was only 10-14 miles from Sacramento. I called Olivia again to tell her we would not be able to see her tonight caused it was already very late, we would see her tomorrow morning. By the time we got to her house we saw two trucks were parked next to her house so Tom decides to get some gas first. We stopped by the gas station next to the Bel Air parking lot for gas. Then Tom drove to Olivia house; it was already 12:40 a.m. Both trucks were already gone, so we were able to park our trailer in front of her house. Lawrence and I were sleepy and both went to bed early. Tom found a free wi-fi internet, he stayed up until 2:00 a.m. in the morning.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 13 - Oregon

After we woke up, we left Grant Pass Walmart and drove to Medford Costco and Walmart was next door. After little shopping, we continued south to stop at Ukiah downtown to fill our gas.

We drove a little longer distance than normal when we took few exits too early in Redding trying to find Wal-mart, which was good because we found a Safeway open 24 hour and had free wi-fi. They also had a gas station cost only $3.94 a gallon, which was the lower price of the whole trip. We went inside and bought 5 ears of corn for $2. Then I started cooking dinner. After we all finished eating and cleaning up, I wanted to buy some drinking water. When I walked by the cat food area, I saw it was on sale 3 for a dollar. I bought a totals of 9 cans. Tom and I finished the cheese cake then I washed up the dish. Tom stayed up late to do internet with the gen on.