Sunday, July 29, 2007

Coos Bay Trip - Day 7 (Last Day)

About 8:00 A.M. in the morning, there was a man who work at Wally came knocking on our trailer and tell our we were not allowed to park our trailer overnight. He said there was a sign post at the front. He told us a history of people staying overnight and sometime they left the trailer here by itself.
So I got up and start dressing and Tom asked me if I want to go to the shopping mall next door so we can shopped there. I said "OK" , but Tom could not find the mall and he only find Target, so I had a cereal with milk and give Tom some cereal too. I went inside to shop. Tom & Lawrence were continued sleeping . Later, Tom came inside the Target and we both walked around. I bought two pack of under wears and two floor seat for the trailer. Before we left for Redding we went to the Arco and filled some gas. We stopped at one of the rest area to try to cook lunch caused we could not find any good place to eat. But it was very hot that day (about 99F degree). So I ask Tom to turn on the air-cond, but it was not working. We had to eat very fast caused it was very hot. Lawrence was looking at the GPS and told us there was a LJS at the Vacaville, CA so we ate there and got some gas too. Then we went to KTC and cleaned up our truck and trailer. By the time it was done, it was about 9:00 P.M. We started driving back home. The miles total traveled was 1254 when we got home.

List we need to bring before catching the crabs
1. Gloves
2. Waterproof shoes
3. Big pot
4. Tower to dry hands
5. Green Onion, Ginger, Black bean with Garlic, Soy sauce, Hot sauce
6. Long Tongs
7. Clean water to wash hands
8. Crabs net
9. Need the (Turkey or Chicken)

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Coos Bay Trip - Day 6 (Winchester Bay)

We woke up between 9 and 10 am. After finish eating, Lawrence stayed inside the trailer and playing the computer while Tom and me walk around to the Oyster farm. They had x-small cost $5.60 a dozon, small cost $14.90 a quart, they also had large and x-large oyster but I didn't remember how much. I took some pictures of how they opened and cleaned the oyster.

We walked to see people cleaning their salmon they caught.

Next thing we packed up our things and start driving back home. We stopped at the Dairy Queen at Sutherlin for lunch. Its cost us $7.73 for food. I only ordered a kid meal, a Deluxe burger for me and an onion ring for Tom. Then after the food, I picked up the ice cream for Lawrence which included in his kid meal and I bought an ice cream waffle for $3.40. Tom drove to next door Shell station for gas. Before we set out for Redding we stop at Medford, OR for gas then we kept on driving until we reached Redding's Wal-Mart at 12:00 mid-night.

We shopped for an hour, but we only bought Milk for next day breakfast and beef jerky. Then we went back to the trailer and started cooking dinner. After that we went to sleep in their parking lot.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Coos Bay Trip - Day 5 (Left for Salmon Bay)

I woke up early in the morning, even though I did not go to bed until almost 2:00 A.M. I took a shower. After we ate breakfast, we started packing our trailer.

By the time we left there it was already 1:20 P.M., which was passed the check out time (should be 1:00 pm ). Then Tom went to get some gas next to Wally and I walked from the gas station to inside the store. I bought 2 boxes of cereal , more MM orange, NY steak, my donuts and also Lawrence school lunch Nacho (only cost $2.32 a box). Then Tom drove about 30 miles to Salmon Hobour to stay.

It cost only $10 a day, they have hot water in the restroom and a outside sink to wash the crab. Also, a pay shower was $1 for 7 min. You can stay for a week costing only $60. And a month will be $165, then we went to get more crabs. We brought Bo Bo with us too, but she did not like to sit next to the water, we had to put her in the cage.

We got 17 crabs that night and we took a lot of pictures too.

We stopped at about 9:00 P.M.. We went back and cleaned up our crab inside the trailer, then brought them to the outside sink to wash. Then we went back and I started cooking the crabs for dinner and Tom took a shower inside the trailer. We all went to bed at 1:20 A.M.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Coos Bay Trip - Day 4 (Sunset Bay State Park)

We woke up very late. I went to take a quick shower then I cooked breakfast (eggs, ham and bacon).

We wanted to dig some clams but water was high so Tom drove around the inner coastline to look for better place to clam. But we could not find any better location. It was still too early so I told Tom he needed to call Chi to see weather there is any job waiting for him. Chi told Tom he had some old jobs for him and will sent him the files.

So we drove around Coos Bay downtown and it happened to see a sign said about free internet. Tom asks me to check the bar (if more than 3 bar we can go into the internet). Luckily I found it and we parked next to the Coos Bay City Hall and very close to the library too. Tom opened the mail and called Chi with my cell phone and told him we will be back on Sunday.

I saw it was still kind of early so we went to Big K to look for the inverter, but we did not find any. I only find Fancy Feast which was very cheep, only cost .21 cents each. I bought 4 cans. Then we went to Wally again and first we only wanted to eat at the McDonald, I ordered Chicken DLT-Grl for Tom, Lawrence and me gets Fillet-O-Fish. I also bought Pretzel which didn't taste good. Then I went to shop inside. Tom saw some good N.Y. Steak, 6 for only $10.99. We bought more salad, and some candy. Then I needed to go to the bathroom and tell Lawrence to look for the beef Jerky because he ate them all. After I came out I did not saw them at all, so I started looking for them and shoped some more. I bought the shoe for Lawrence, new brush for hair, new sponge, & shampoo. Then after almost an hour later, I saw Tom and he told me he was waiting for me for a long time, we needed to go now. By the time we got there (crab area) it was 8:40 P.M. We caught about 11 crabs that night but the last 3 or 4 times the net caught no crabs, we guessed it must be very late (it was 9:45 P.M.) We went back and cooked for late dinner and then went to bed.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Coos Bay - Day 4 (Crabbing at Charleston)

We went to Charleston to buy crabbing license, $9 for 3 days. We caught very few crab, but the neighbor crabber gave us a lot of red rock crab, which is legal to keep for any size and gender.

Then we went to nearby beach next to the parking area to dig for clam. But nothing even at 2 feet. On the way home, we check out the RV spaces renting next to the bridge, it was $25 dollars a night. Also check Bastendort camp ground at $16 for no hookup, and $20 for full hookup.

We went home and cook crab and oyster and one big mussel. Crab was very sweet and so did the mussel. Use ginger & onion to cook in oven. Also use boiling method with hot sauce & soy sauce. Both were very good. We went back again at 7pm and get a whole lot more crab, boil and ate again. We got about 20 crabs. We ate some and put 3 to 4 bags in the freezer.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Coos Bay Trip - Day 3 (Sunset Bay State Park)

Got up about 12 noon, cooked and ate breakfast in Mills Casino parking lot.
I hooked up trailer myself by lining up shank of equalizer to receiver of truck. With help of son and mel, we pushed and eventually connected the trailer.

Arrived at Sunset Bay campground at 2pm and select A14 corner lot.

At first, it looked very hard to back in. But I got in very fast.

We went to visit Cape Arago.

It was very windy there. Then we went to Charleston to buy oyster. $10.75 a quart. Also checked out Oceanview camp ground next to Bastendorf. It was $28 a day.

After finish dinner, drove to Coos bay Walmart to return the inverter and bought net for crab catching, and salad.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Coos Bay Trip - Day 2 (Mills Casino)

Got up at about 11 am in Fortuna next to Highway 101. Ate at McDonald before setout. We passed Eureka but did not stop. We filled gas at Mckinleyville.

We also filled gas at Port Orford. It was a lady attendent and she talked about Mr Kim the Korean death near there. We arrived at Coos bay at 8:45 pm, try to go to Wal Mart, but Newmark Ave was too steep. We stayed at Mill Casino that night.

After separate the trailer from the truck, we shopped at Walmart 2 times. 1st time was for grocery, and 2nd time was for inverter.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Coos Bay Trip - First Day

Started trip at 4:30 pm, after taking all days to get ready; hooked up the trailer with the Equalizer tow bar.

Went through Golden Gate Bridge free on our direction, arrived at Willits at 11 pm, relaxed in Safeway parking lot and got gas. Reached Fortuna at 2:30 am and slept in Safeway parking lot for the night.