Saturday, December 30, 2006

Day 12 - Still Gettysburg

We woke up to cook some breakfast and went to see the Gettysburg visitor center, inside is like small museum. It showed us soldiers who were fighting in the war and their guns. Also there was a short movie to show us how they fired the gun in the old day. We spent about 2 to 3 hours in the visitor center, then we went to Peach Orchard we drove around the road and took a lot of pictures of the monuments & canons. After that we went to the downtown store and bought some old money and drum pen for myself. Then we went to the same food store and bought some meat, salad, BBQ sauce, beef broth. We went back to the trailer and cook dinner.

Lawrence here,

This is just a summary of what happened at this place in early July of 1863. There were two sides in the battle of Gettysburg. One side was the Confederates who were in the town of Gettysburg looking for shoes to wear and their commanding general was Robert E. Lee. The other side was the Union who were stationed there with their commanding general being Gordon Meade. The battle also took three days long. It started of as a skirmish when the Confederates were discovered there by Union sentries. The Confederates were able to push the Union sentries out of Gettysburg. The next day, the Union army arrived and were able to hold their position, fighting off any Confederates that got close. The third and last day of the battle, was a bad one for the Confederates. They tried to charge the Union army's lines (Pickett's Charge) and they lost 10,000 men with no land gained from it. The Confederate army soon retreated afterwards. They have lost 28,000 men when the Union army only lost 23,000. The Confederates had many opportunities to crush the Union army but did not follow through most of them. One of them was that they could have gotten Cemetery Hill and fired artillery shell on Union forces in that place. Another was Pickett's Charge. If General Pickett had more men like say, 20,000 men at his command, he would have suceeded.Also if the Confederate General J.E.B. (Stuart) had arrived a day earlier, the Confederates would have broken the Union lines. So, this was what you should at least know about the Battle of Gettysburg. Thanks for reading this long transcript.

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