Monday, January 1, 2007

Day 14 - D.C.

We got up and it was still raining outside. I cooked us some breakfast (eggs and ham) then I told Tom we needed some AA (Duracell) for my camera. First we went to the food store and we bought a dozen donut for $4.89 and plate was on sale for $1.00 for qty of 40. But they didn't have the AA long lasting (Duracell), so we went to the Home Depot next door, but they didn't have it either. I only bought the regular AA. We went to the White House and saw the National Christmas Tree.

We took some pictures, but we could not get very closed to the White House, caused they had two road blocks in front of the gate.

Lawrence said he was hungry, so we went back to our car and eat donut, after that I saw my gloves laid on the floor, I was lucky to get it back, no one took it. Then we parked our car in the next to the Thomas Jefferson building.

We passed by the supreme court and walked to the Congress. We have to go a long way caused the police will not let us pass the direct street, they had a lot of road blocks around the Congress.

We saw a long line going into the Congress, but we thought they want to go to see inside the Congress, we forgot Ford funeral was inside the building. We took some pictures from the outside only.

Next we went to the Natural Garden, they had small size model (like Congress, White House, Washington Monument). We drove back and cook dinner after that.

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