Thursday, July 31, 2008

Day 12 - Oregon (leaving Salmon Bay)

Tom was talking to Joe for a while. He parked across the camping lot from us. He came from Las Vegas. After we all finished eating our breakfast. Tom and I saw our Host John was looking at Joe old bicycle, which was for sale for $15.

After John left we were talking to Joe and his wife Kit, I asked Joe how much did he paid for his class C trailer, he told me he bought it used and paid $17000 for it . He told Tom he sold and bought his house 3 times in the last may be 10 years. He retired when he was 50. He is 76 years old now. He went biking across the country 2 year ago.

Then we drove to Sutherlin and ate onion ring and ice cream at Dairy Queen.
Tom took highway 5 and went to Grants Pass WalMart. We bought ham, eggs, Flash Drive, and soda. There is a Fredmeyer next door. So we went shopping there too.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day 11 - Oregon

The sun was coming out after last night rain; I took my entire dish to wash. Then I start making breakfast; I suggest going to Florence to look around the town. I told Lawrence to stay and do some homework, he told me he wanted to go with us. We stop at sand dune and took a lot of pictures.

Before Florence we pass a bridge (old Style Bridge with a lot of stone).

I saw a lot of cheaper gas station than Reedsport. At the other end of the city we saw Fred Meyer. I want to take a look of the store. Tom told me it was a supermarket. Once we went inside it look like Super Wal-Mart to me.

Cocktail shrimp was on sale for $3.99 a lb, we bought 2 lb, so we can eat on the way back. Minute Maid Orange was on sale 2 for $5, Lays chips was 2 for $4. On the way out, I saw a very funny looking Bar and Grill restaurant. Classic Car half inside the wall, I took several pictures of it.

Later when we drove by Reedsport, I told Tom I forgot to buy some soda for tonight dinner. Tom took me the Safeway, which was next to Cash King. I told Tom I would like to buy some more chocolate from Cash King. Then I went to Safeway for soda, but I saw the price was too high; $1.89 for a bottle. I decided not to buy it. When Tom back up his truck, I saw there was a Thirty Store, we went inside and found a cat water bowl with lip inward, heart shape box to hold scented flower, which had a good smell to me, but smelled stinky to Tom.

After that we went back to our trailer and I started cooking for dinner and Tom went to finish his crabbing. When he came back he told me he only catch 2 crabs for which l is female which he put it back to the water.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 10 - Oregon trip (visited Reedsport)

Next morning after we had breakfast. Tom took me to Reedsport again. We went to Cash King to walk around, the Milk Chocolate with Fruit and Nut, which was Tom favorite, was on sale 2 for a dollar. I also bought some KitKat was on sale for .25 cents each. Tom drove across the bridge to Gardiner to check out a claming site. Next we went to a dune Visitor Center to get some information. I saw there was a Bee store close by. I told Tom that I want to go inside and take a look. I went inside and try some of the honey; they only had 4-difference kind of honey and I like the clover honey. I bought a small one, which cost $4.50, and a bee cell phone cost $4.90. The store lady name is Cody Lane, she was a very nice lady, and we have a long talk. I asked her how do the bee collect the honey, and do they have difference taste. Cody told me that the owner of the bee knows where to bring the bee on the differene field to collect honey.

After that Tom drove me back to the trailer. It was raining all night and got very heavy at nighttime. I could not take the dirty dish to wash because of the rain.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Day 9 - Oregon (Salmon Bay)

Tom went to the dock and started to catch crabs. Later Lawrence and I also went to the dock and help Tom catched some crabs.

Tom rided his bicycle to the other pier which has the big RV park. It's rate was $39 for the scenic one and $20 for the small internal site. Tom also rided to the pier next to the ocean jetty to see other people crabbing. Tom passed by the RV area next to the road. Its rate was $20 per day with hook up. Tom did crabbing all evening until 11 pm.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 8 - Oregon (Salmon Bay)

After we finished our breakfast, we start clean up the trailer. In front of the Mill Casino RV Park, we found out there was free dump and water fill up. So we stop our trailer there and fill it up, Tom and I also went inside the office to go to the bathroom. On the way out I saw they have free coffee, so I get one for Tom and one for me.

We drove about 25 miles to Salmon Bay, at first we stopped by the parking space where we parked last year. The price was $11, which was $1 dollar more than last year. Then we walked over to the better scenery area, which cost $13 dollars. So we want to park our trailer here.

We met the Host name John. I asked him where is the dump, he told me it was at the end of the parking lot. It would be like a payback time and cost us $5 to dump. We parked our trailer at unit# C19 which had a very nice scenery. We wanted to stay there for 4 nights, but we want to pay for two days at a time.

Then Tom drove me to Reedsport 5 miles away to get some water in Price&Pride, which was outside the store. It cost $.25 cents for one gallon of water. Next Tom get some gas at the Shell gas station at $4.22 a gallon to fill up the 2-gallon jug. I asked Tom why didn’t we fill it up at $4.13 instead of $4.22. He told me we only need 2 gallons of gas not 20 gallons; there was not much difference. The guy filling our gas had one arm broken which was not easy for him to fill the jug without dropping the cap on the ground to get dirty.

We also cross the bridge across the river while there.

On our the way back to Salmon Bay, we went to a market/post office, Tom bought the 3 days shellfish licence for $9 starting next day, also bought the crab size measurement gauge. Then Tom drove around the area to check the shops around there. After that we went back to our trailer and start making dinner. We turned on our generator all night until 2am because it had WiFi there. But only our newer Labtop could get the signal. The gen was very quite in the tall card board box without bothering our neighbor.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day 7 - Oregon trip (Mills Casino parking lot)

Next morning I get up and feed the cats, then I started cooking bacon and eggs for breakfast. Tom started the generator so Lawrence could play his Game Cube. Later I told Tom I wanted to shop around, he drove to the La Schwab Tire store to check for the price of his truck tires, but it costed $130 to change the 2 tires, so Tom wanted to check around more for a better price. Then Tom drove to Coos Bay downtown, next to the River Park and took some pictures. After that we walked around the downtown and took some pictures of the old buildings.

We stop by Kmart. I bought a Dishpan, a towel for covering the window, 2 cans of Chunky Fajita Chicken soup and floor mat to put on outside the trailer. Then we stop by the Grocery Outlet, I found the Chunky with mushroom was $1.50 a can, I bought 6 cans. The small Spam was $1.29 a can, I bought 2. Next we stopped by walmart again to shop. By the time we went back to our trailer it was time to make dinner. We all went to bed around 2:00 a.m.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 6 - Oregon Trip

I did not sleep and start cleaning up the place. Still took us a long time before we can move out from the site. By the time we start our car, it was almost 2 p.m. in the afternoon. When we reach the exit, ranger comes over and asks us did we find our cat. We showed her our cat and told her to say thanks to Cindy. Then we head over to Coos Bay; we drove to Walmart for shopping. We stay in Walmart for several hours and I spend over $ 150 dollars. Then we went to the wash and dry place to wash our clothes. By the time we went to the first wash & dry shop, it was already 9:30 p.m. they closed at 10:00 p.m. I talked to the men inside the shop; he told me I only have time to wash the clothes not enough time to dry it. I asked him could I stay a little long to dry my clothes, he said he had to close the shop. So we drove 2 more miles on the other side, we found another wash and dry shop. This time I saw a lady and asked her can I wash my clothes, I know you closed at 10:00 p.m. She said it will be "OK" to wash it. I walked back to the car and told Tom we can wash our clothes. We all went inside the shop. It cost $2.00 to wash one load, we have 2 loads. The dryer cost .25 cents for 5 minutes, over $2.00 to dry our clothes. We spend more than an hour in the cleaning shop. By the time we parked in Mill Casno it was pass 11 p.m. There were not too many RVs in the lot. We chose a spot closer to the main road nearer to the main parking area. I start to make dinner and reading then we all went to bed about 2am. During those time, our Honda generator was always on without bothering other RVs since we park further away from them.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 5 - Oregon - lost cat

Early in the morning about 6 am. We heard cat streaming, Tom went outside and checked on both of our cats- Odie and Ben Ben. He saw the cage tilted open and both cats were gone. Tom went back to the trailer and told me both cats were missing. I went outside and called for Odie and Ben Ben, only Ben Ben ran back to the trailer. Odie was gone, Tom and I were walking around the site and looking for Odie. Tom talked to our neighbor - a father and son from Campbell CA sleeping in the back of a 1996 4 cylinder 4runner. It was a rare car, so we talked a long time about his modification to increae horsepower. After that, Tom ride around on the bicycle. He told a Host about our missing cat.

He went to the Reservations gate to tell the Ranger we need to stay one more day cause our cat was missing. Ranger told Tom there was a report that a Ranger saw a tan color cat near the Main Office at 7:00 a.m. Tom rent a site next next to our site and ride to main office to find our cat. Tom told Mel that the ranger will set up a trap for our cat.

We have to move from site B33 to B29. When Tom pull the trailer to B29, there was a woman asked me did she need to move her car, so our trailer will be able to back in to B29 parking space. Tom said is fine, next thing the lady told her husband to help us park the trailer. I told the lady my cat was missing early this moring that was why we have to stay one more day to look for our cat. I also show her and her husband my Odie picture from my cell phone.

Tom and I went to the Main Office and talk to lady name Cindy; she was very nice person, she help us set up a LOST CAT paper with our cat picture. Cindy also told me she is a cat lover, she owns four cats too, so she knows how I feel with my cat missing. Cindy gives me several copies for the Lost Cat paper, so I can post in the board next to the Reservations gate. We also post it in front of the bathroom of site A & B, but not C, since C is further from the main office where the ranger saw our cat.

We went to the dock to catch some more carbs plus the Main Office was next to it, so we walk around the place and called Odie. While we are crabing, there was lady ranger come over and tell us some one saw our cat, she told us to follow her. So we pick up all our things and follow her truck. She took us to the road next to the Main office. There was a lady stand next to a walking path telling me she think she saw our cat running across this walking path. Tom watch one end of the path and the lady and me walk around and calling Odie name but did not see him at all.

Then we went back to our trailer and Tom cleaning up the crabs. First the man across our site came over and ask Tom if we found our cat. Then his wife come over again and talk to me. She said did we find the cat yet, I told her we are still looking for our cat. I told her a ranger saw our cat closed to the main office road. She told me she and her husband want to take a walk to see if they can help us find our cat. During our dinner my cell ring, a ranger told me someone saw our cat next to the walking path next to the main office. After we heard that we stop our dinner and grab our flashlight ready to go out. At the same moment our neighbor couple knock on the door and told us they want to take us there. Because they saw Odie sitting on the walking path. They did not want to get too close to scare him off.

Four of us jump on to our truck and drove over there. We all calling Odie name. We were there for almost an hour still did not see our cat. Tom flashlight battery was low and want to drive back to get new battery. Her husband told me they have a better flashlight he will go back and get it for us. Next thing their car drove back and told us on the way back people in site A17 saw our cat. We follow their car there and look around a while with permission from the site. When our neighbor drove home, They saw our cat again around B16. We all went there and look around a bit more. Tom was spending all night looking for Odie. At around mid-night. Tom told Mel he heard Odie scratching next to trailer to try to get back in. But when Tom saw him, he went away into the bush. Not too long later, I heard a cat scream and a black cat was chasing Odie across to the bush in the back of the neighbor Class A. Around 3 a.m., Tom came to the trailer and wake me up, he told me he saw Odie, asked me to follow him. So I change my clothes and follow him with a bowl of cat food. We went to the bush behind the class A. Tom said Odie was not there anymore, but we still looking around the site and calling our cat. After several minutes we still did not see our cat, so I went back to the trailer and sleeping. Tom comes back around 5 a.m. in the morning and told me he could not find Odie, next thing (about 2 minutes later) I heard Odie calling outside our trailer, I told Tom to open the door and Odie walk right to us. Odie was very hungy and drink a lot of water too, we check on Odie he had a big stratch on his head.

After Odie finished eating, Tom wrote a note to say thanks for the flashlight and put it back in their floor next to their class A's step. Tom comes back to wash Odie and Ben Ben. Then he went to bed and sleep until 11:00 a.m. After Tom get up we start cleaning up the trailer and set up to leave.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 4 - Oregon trip

We get up very late and eat bacon and eggs with the buns for breakfast. Tom ride his bicycle to the crab dock while I am cooking breakfast. After eating, we went to the crab dock to catch some carbs, we did well, we catched about ?? crabs that day. Then we went back to our site to clean up the crabs. After cleaning Tom wants to go to Bandon by the beach to take pictures of a lot of strange looking rocks. We took a lot of pictures of the rocks. We stopped by the Price n Pride to fill up our water bottle and we went inside to buy some potatoes for the crab’s soup. We cook crab and steak for dinner in our gas oven.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day 3 - Oregon trip 2008 (Bandon)

Next morning we woke up at about 1 pm. We went to Bullards Beach State Park 2 miles away to stay for two days. We drive around all 3 loops & found a nice site# B33, very close to the bathroom and shower. It cost $20 a day with full hooks up and dumb. Tom drove around the place to see where can we get some crabs. We want to buy some Oyster, but the store already closed for the day. Also we went back to Ray’s to buy buns, bacon, eggs and banana pie. We drove around and went to Old Town to take some pictures.

We also went to the seashore along a cliff.

Then we went to PricenPride to buy Clam Chowder soup & sponge to wash dishes. The New York steak was on sale for $4.99 a lb, we bought one for $12.45. After dinner, Odie was spraying pee on our flip down bed, so I had to clean it up. Tom soaked and washed the yellow sleeping bag and hanged it between 2 trees. Tom locked Odie under the table/bed, which I put food, water and sandbox in there too. Tom also set up the white wire cage next to the storage opening, which I bought it at Target for $14.99. So the cats could sit in the cage and looked outside.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Day 2 - one the way to Salmon Bay OR

After we woke up, Tom and I went in Safeway for shopping. We bought Safeway sub sandwich for $7.99. It was more than one foot long and very bulky too. It was enough for 3 people. We also bought 2 pack of Chips Ahoy, and 4 ears of corn. Then we went back to the trailer and started eating the Safeway sub sandwich. It tasted pretty good. We had some sandwich leftover for dinner too. When we reached Bayshore Mall (Eureka), we ate the leftover sandwich and I bought one large french fry and one large onion ring. Tom drove to Bandon and parked in the parking lot of Ray’s Food Place. We think it was around 2 am. We started cooking, eating and sleep right there for the night.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Coos Bay 2008 - Officially started

We all got up very late about 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon. Then I feed the outside cats, hamsters and also water my garden. After I did all the chore, I made lunch then I went to take a shower. We started loading up the truck, ready for the trip. By the time we got to the trailer at KTC it was almost 8:00 p.m. We did the final loading and heading to 880 Freeway. Tom did not know it will cost so much to cross the Dumbarton Bridge. (Toll Fee was $8.25 with the trailer - 2 axles). Tom said that next time if our trip are pointing north, we should tow the trailer back home and start from there.

We reached Ukiah about 2:00 a.m. then we parked our trailer in the Safeway parking lot for sleep.