Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 5 - Oregon - lost cat

Early in the morning about 6 am. We heard cat streaming, Tom went outside and checked on both of our cats- Odie and Ben Ben. He saw the cage tilted open and both cats were gone. Tom went back to the trailer and told me both cats were missing. I went outside and called for Odie and Ben Ben, only Ben Ben ran back to the trailer. Odie was gone, Tom and I were walking around the site and looking for Odie. Tom talked to our neighbor - a father and son from Campbell CA sleeping in the back of a 1996 4 cylinder 4runner. It was a rare car, so we talked a long time about his modification to increae horsepower. After that, Tom ride around on the bicycle. He told a Host about our missing cat.

He went to the Reservations gate to tell the Ranger we need to stay one more day cause our cat was missing. Ranger told Tom there was a report that a Ranger saw a tan color cat near the Main Office at 7:00 a.m. Tom rent a site next next to our site and ride to main office to find our cat. Tom told Mel that the ranger will set up a trap for our cat.

We have to move from site B33 to B29. When Tom pull the trailer to B29, there was a woman asked me did she need to move her car, so our trailer will be able to back in to B29 parking space. Tom said is fine, next thing the lady told her husband to help us park the trailer. I told the lady my cat was missing early this moring that was why we have to stay one more day to look for our cat. I also show her and her husband my Odie picture from my cell phone.

Tom and I went to the Main Office and talk to lady name Cindy; she was very nice person, she help us set up a LOST CAT paper with our cat picture. Cindy also told me she is a cat lover, she owns four cats too, so she knows how I feel with my cat missing. Cindy gives me several copies for the Lost Cat paper, so I can post in the board next to the Reservations gate. We also post it in front of the bathroom of site A & B, but not C, since C is further from the main office where the ranger saw our cat.

We went to the dock to catch some more carbs plus the Main Office was next to it, so we walk around the place and called Odie. While we are crabing, there was lady ranger come over and tell us some one saw our cat, she told us to follow her. So we pick up all our things and follow her truck. She took us to the road next to the Main office. There was a lady stand next to a walking path telling me she think she saw our cat running across this walking path. Tom watch one end of the path and the lady and me walk around and calling Odie name but did not see him at all.

Then we went back to our trailer and Tom cleaning up the crabs. First the man across our site came over and ask Tom if we found our cat. Then his wife come over again and talk to me. She said did we find the cat yet, I told her we are still looking for our cat. I told her a ranger saw our cat closed to the main office road. She told me she and her husband want to take a walk to see if they can help us find our cat. During our dinner my cell ring, a ranger told me someone saw our cat next to the walking path next to the main office. After we heard that we stop our dinner and grab our flashlight ready to go out. At the same moment our neighbor couple knock on the door and told us they want to take us there. Because they saw Odie sitting on the walking path. They did not want to get too close to scare him off.

Four of us jump on to our truck and drove over there. We all calling Odie name. We were there for almost an hour still did not see our cat. Tom flashlight battery was low and want to drive back to get new battery. Her husband told me they have a better flashlight he will go back and get it for us. Next thing their car drove back and told us on the way back people in site A17 saw our cat. We follow their car there and look around a while with permission from the site. When our neighbor drove home, They saw our cat again around B16. We all went there and look around a bit more. Tom was spending all night looking for Odie. At around mid-night. Tom told Mel he heard Odie scratching next to trailer to try to get back in. But when Tom saw him, he went away into the bush. Not too long later, I heard a cat scream and a black cat was chasing Odie across to the bush in the back of the neighbor Class A. Around 3 a.m., Tom came to the trailer and wake me up, he told me he saw Odie, asked me to follow him. So I change my clothes and follow him with a bowl of cat food. We went to the bush behind the class A. Tom said Odie was not there anymore, but we still looking around the site and calling our cat. After several minutes we still did not see our cat, so I went back to the trailer and sleeping. Tom comes back around 5 a.m. in the morning and told me he could not find Odie, next thing (about 2 minutes later) I heard Odie calling outside our trailer, I told Tom to open the door and Odie walk right to us. Odie was very hungy and drink a lot of water too, we check on Odie he had a big stratch on his head.

After Odie finished eating, Tom wrote a note to say thanks for the flashlight and put it back in their floor next to their class A's step. Tom comes back to wash Odie and Ben Ben. Then he went to bed and sleep until 11:00 a.m. After Tom get up we start cleaning up the trailer and set up to leave.

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