Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tucson Winter - (day 25)

1/14/14 (Tuesday) Sunny

We wake up and I went to Petro Center and buy a large coffee and we eat the food which we bought yesterday (chinese bakery, L.A.) for breakfast. Next we start driving back home. We stop at the Gilroy Costco for gas because we know that the Petro gas is much more expensive ($3.69/per gallon) than Costco ($3.39/per gallon). We drove all the way home and unload our stuff. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Tucson Winter - (day 24)

1/13/14 (Monday) Sunny

We wake up and both of us took a quick shower before we dump the water. Next we fill up our gas tank in Red Earth Casino. We plan to drive to L.A. for dinner. 

Before dinner we went to Hawaii Super Market located at 120 E. Valley Blvd., San Gabriel to buy grocery. We parked our trailer in front of the appliance store and walk to the market. We buy 2 bags of Sushi Ginger 2lb each for $2.99, raw peanut for $1.39/lb, small mushroom for $.69/ea buy 3, small Taro for $.59lb, and Chinese beef jerky $4.49.

 Tom is chatting with a old lady talking about her hard life in Vietnam and in USA

  We want to have pearl milk, so we walked to the store which we had already been when we were in L.A.  (located at the same street of Hawaii Super Market 529 E. Valley Blvd.) We walk into the chinese bakery and I buy me rice cake and Tom buy curry pork and curry chicken. Next thing I noticed Tom is already finishing the drink, so I have to went back inside and buy another one for myself. Then we saw a Yoshino Sushi have a petty good price for combo and have Tom favors Pork Curry Rice. We went inside and order our food, but when Tom curries rice came we both noticed that it was not the same food Tom order. The waitress changes the food for us. Later we notice that the picture on the menu is next to the different food. The waitress looks at the wrong item and orders the wrong food. We walked back to our trailer and drive to a gas station. Then we drove all the way to Petro Center at Santa Nella and went to bed.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Tucson Winter - (day 23)

1/12/14 (Sunday)  - Sunny and feel like 68

Wake up around 9:30 a.m. and we have peanut butter cookies with Chinese milk tea. I went outside and clean up the cat little box.


 After that I took some pictures of where we are staying for the night (Quechan Casino). I drove Tom to the border line and drop him off. Tom called me after I parked the trailer, (parked near by the truck exit and enter). I cook myself some noodle with shrimp; I gave some shrimp to Odie and Ben Ben. I read some book while I was waiting for Tom. I feel sleepy then I went to sleep. I wake up before 5 p.m. and read some more books.  Now is around 7:40 p.m. and Tom still did not come back. My guess is that the line must be very long, so it will take him a while before he will be back. I called Tom around 7:45 p.m. he answer the phone and told me he was half way back to the trailer. He told me he was cleaning his teeth, plus fill up the bottom teeth to look strict. When he comes out from the dental office, the special medication which he wants to buy is already closed. Since he is walking back, he doesn’t want to carry any alcohol. After Tom comes back we go straight to the Quechan Casino to have Prime Rib dinner. We go back to the trailer and start driving to Red Earth Casino. By the time we got there it was around 11:00 p.m. we fill up the water. We parked the trailer and I took a shower, and Tom did not want to take one until tomorrow. Then we both go to bed.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Tucson Winter - (day 22)

1/11/14 (Saturday)  - Sunny and feel like 65

Wake up in the morning and we have Raisin Bran with milk for breakfast. I water the plant for the last time, and I walk over and feed woody too.


 While Tom lay out the remaining vinyl tile, I was putting the stuff away inside the trailer. We put the stuff back to our green shed. Next we clean up the outside and put the stuff which we need to bring back to San Jose inside the truck. We went back to trailer, Tom check the bath tab, which was still leaking, so we need to go to Lowe’s to buy the replacement drainer. Tom found one that look it would fit. On the way back we both were very hungry, we stop by the McDonald’s and I bought one grilled onion chedder and one hot and spicy McChicken, one large sweet tea, one large french fries for lunch. We both ate the sandwich while we are driving back. When we got back, Tom was working on the bath tub right away. After he fixes it, I took a quick shower, then Tom washes both cat and shower too. I dry up both cats and continue to clean up the place. Before we could tow the trailer out of the parking space, we need to remove some rocky dirt in front, so the trailer be able to pass through. But when we are passing through we found out there was another problem, the tent pole were on our way. We have to remove some of the poles before we can drive thought. It took Tom several minutes before we can start driving again. Then I locked the gate and said goodbye to our land, and on the way home.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Tucson Winter - (day 21)

1/10/14 (Friday)  - Sunny feel warm 67

Wake up around 9:30a.m. Fill up the water tank, clean up the cat sandy box. I water the outside plant, also feed the woody (dog), I found out the dog was out of water. I put some water in his bowl he was happy and drink all the water I give him.  I come back and fill up my water bottle and take some more dog food to Woody again. I come back and clean up all the dirty dishes. 


While Tom was sanding the patch, I come in the trailer start writing today journal. After Tom done, I will help him lay out the vinyl tile. 

First Tom put a line in the center of the storage. Next Tom starts putting the center roll of tile. Then I will lay out the vinyl tile next to the center roll. I was keeping on going down, while Tom needs to specially cut the tile for the edge next to the wall. We have ham and turkey sandwich with ice tea for lunch. Then we went back to work around 3:45 p.m. We use up all the vinyl tile and almost finish the job. We just need another 6 more pieces, so both of us take a quick shower.

 We stop by the Samrose gas station for gas and propane. The gas price went up again, now is $3.11/gallon. Next we went to Lowe’s for more vinyl tile, this time we buy 10 more pieces. Then we went to the Taco Shop for dinner. I order the 2 Chile Rellenos combo for $6.95 and Tom order 2 Enchiladas combo for $6.65. After that we went to Neighborhood Market (by Walmart) to shop for food. We bought french bread; petite steak; honey ham; cole slaw, and then we went back to our trailer. We are leaving tomorrow, so I am going to start putting stuff away.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Tucson Winter - (day 20)

1/9/14 (Thursday)  - Cloudy until 4 p.m. feel like 60

We both wake up early in the morning, but I got up around 6:50 a.m.  Since I need to be preparing myself to open the gate for the concrete men. Robert told us he will be here early. I made us the macroroni with ham for breakfast. When I almost finish cooking, Robert with two Mexican guys drive into our land, I turn the fire down and went outside. I talk to them a little bit, to know one guy is over 50 years old and the other guy is 40 years old. Then I went back inside to finish my breakfast. I went back out with my phone. So I can take some video while I was talking to them.


  First they level by vibration machine; next they put the 2x4 wood to make a form for the concrete slab. Then they dig some more to make the land level, after that it was passed 10 a.m. Tom was check on the level and noticed that the form was not level. Tom talk to Robert and ask him why is not level, Robert told Tom that it is because it need to let the water flow away. But Tom told Robert we are going to have a structure on top of the concrete pad. Therefore, Robert has to level it again. We put the iron mesh sheet on center of our concrete (8ft on center).  

 I saw the concrete mix truck comes over to our land and they start pouring the concrete. Then the guys spread the concrete over the form. While we are waiting for the concrete to form, I went to McDonald’s to buy them lunch. When I try to exit our land, I saw the gas company bulldozer blocking the way. One of the guys has to back off the bulldozer so I can exit.

 After we all finish eating our lunch, the concrete men start smoothing the concrete and I take some more video. When they finish I give a check amount of $1500 to Robert. Also I give $10 tips to each guy to remove the dirt pile behind the storage house. But they only remove 2/3 of dirt before they have to leave. We just have to say goodbye.

We started to put on the vinyl floor for the shed, but Tom said we need the floor patch to make it smooth before we can install the vinyl.  We drove to Lowe’s and find the patch compound. But when we got back home, Tom remembers that we also need the scraper. I went inside the trailer and look for it. I found the casino membership card to use as a scraper. While Tom working on the patch, I went back inside the trailer and take a shower and start cooking for steak dinner.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Tucson Winter - (day 19)

1/8/14 (Wednesday)  - Little Cloudy, feel like 62

We have blueberry muffins for breakfast, then I went outside and fill up our water tank.


Tom goes up to the top of the storage and adding the roof patch roll and rubber cement patch. While Tom patch the roof, I took some video and clean up the storage floor.
 When Tom done with the roof, he start sanding the shed floor and then we can apply the special primer (look like white glue, add 1:1 primer and water to mix). By the time we all done the primer, it was getting late. I went back inside and take a shower while Tom cleaning up. Then Tom comes in and take a shower too, after that we went out to eat. We have Church’s Chicken (5 pc + 2 biscuit for $5; 1 small cold slaw $1.69; 1 small Okra $ 1.69 and 1 small drink for $1.69 = $10.89). Since the Food City is in the same parking lot, we went inside and check it out. We bought 5LB potatoes for $1.99, 2 pc Beef Chuck Eye Steak for $5.39, 1 bag each slice Turkey and honey Ham for $1.99/ea and 2 onions for $.57.  I have a Target payment need to mail out, but Tom missed the Post Office. We need to mail it out tomorrow. I need to go to bed early, because we are going to have the concrete service come in early around 6:00 a.m.  I finish writing this journal by 10:00 p.m. and wash up and went to bed.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tucson Winter - (day 18)

1/7/14 (Tuesday) - Warm and little bit cold, feel like 62

Wake up around 10 a.m. again, have Raisin Bran with milk for breakfast. Then I walk outside and clean up all the lose blue tarp which was covering the top of our storage. While I was working on the blue tarp, Tom told me a concrete man is going to come over to give us an estimate in an hour. Tom called Craiglist to find this concrete man. He (Robert Gaither; concrete man) comes over with his wife and son in the white truck. Tom told him that 24’x25’concrete slab, 4” thick with smooth float. Robert told us 3500 PSI Mix with concrete joints, should be able to support a regular RV. But Tom asks Robert to put maximum PSI, which will be 4000 and told us $70 more on the totals price. We agree with this price and he told us the whole job will cost us $1500, no down payment, full balance when job is done. He told us this is one day job. He can come on 1/9 or 1/10. We both think that it may be raining on 1/9 (Thursday). After he left we have the left over from the Rodolfo’s (Taco place) for lunch. Then we went to the shed to measure the floor area, because Tom wants to buy the vinyl tile to cover the floor. Also Tom needs to buy roof patch and fiberglass tape to seal the crack on top of the storage. We want to add 6 sheet of 42 in x 84 in mesh sheet to embed in our concrete pad. When we are in Lowe’s we were looking for the iron mesh sheet, the price is $7.58/ea and we buy 6 sheet. Then we look for vinyl tile design, at first we pick the one piece wood grain design. But it cost too much ($.88/ea x 126 = 126.72 + $12.97 special primer). So we pick the cheaper one cost $.38/ea x 126 = $47.88 + 12.97 special primer). Since we just use them for the shed floor, we don’t want to spend too much money. Tom is not sure what to do with the edge wrinkle up on the roof, we were talking to Chris (supervisor on Lowe’s which he knows a lot about roofing), he suggest to Tom that we should only need to use the roof patch cement and the foundation coating (which we already bought and put it on). But Tom told Chris that he does not like the edge wrinkle up, then Chris suggest to Tom to use the rubber cement patch $19.99/gallon. We left the story and went directly home. We have rib-eyes steak with Potato for dinner.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Tucson Winter - (day 17)

1/6/14 (Monday) - Sunny and some wind, feel like 63

We have bacon with eggs and bread for breakfast. Then we add fresh water to our trailer's tank. I clean up the cat sandy box.

 We were looking at the tree and want to find a tree in our land to relocate next to our trailer for more privacy. We find one that was small enough to dig it out and replant it. We feel hot and we have ice cream to cool us down. Next Tom wants to flatten the land for our future metal garage foundation. But before him going to do it, he wants to look for the old septic tank. He checks the paper work that was given by the city of Tucson. He dig one place to look for any tank, but couldn’t found any, he will try his luck tomorrow. Tom asks me to help him level the dirt ground. I have to drive less than one miles an hour back and fore while Tom is holding the home make ground scraper (make in KTC). We stop when the sun run down.

 I went back inside the trailer to take a quick shower. After I was done, Tom take a shower too. We run out of paper towel and Tom need a sink strainer washer to fix our shower tub. First we run to Lowe’s to look for it and we find one for $1.99 and then we went to laundromat to wash our dirty clothes. (Nearby Safeway) 

After I put the clothes in, we went to McDonald’s for dinner, I order File-O-Fish combo for $5.79 and Tom order BBQ Ranch Burger for $1 and strawberry sundae for $1.19. I finish my meal and went back to the Laundromat to load our clothes to the dryer. While I was waiting I went to the Family Dollar for paper towel and honey roasted peanuts. After that I went to Safeway for the french bread which we both love at $1.79/ea. Then I went back to pick up my clothes and folded them. I called Tom to drive to the front door and pick me up. We drove directly home. When we are watching TV, we found out tonight is very cold, temp drop down to 32 degree.