Saturday, January 4, 2014

Tucson Winter - (day 15)

1/4/14 (Saturday) - very cloudy today, no sun at all, feels like 62

Wake up around 10 a.m. and try to call my son to mail out the mail, but he did not answer the phone. I try again around noon, but still no one answer.   I walk outside and water my plant plus feeding the dog Woody. Then I came back to cook Oatmeal for breakfast. We clean up the trailer and fill the water tank in our trailer. I walk around the land to look for trash by using the picker. While Tom is digging another hole for our black tank, I make a new cover for it by cutting the left over felt to fit the new hole and cut a small hole closer to the hose. 

Next we went inside the storage to put more shelves on the wall. We finish one side of the wall, we only put one shelf. When we switch to the other side, the table was on our way. We need to move it outside before we have room to move around. While we are outside, Tom told me to check the sewage water level, but I accidentally step my right foot into the dirty water. Tom has to help me wash up my foot, and then I walk inside the trailer and dry up. Since it is getting dark, we need more light, at first I use the flash light. But it is still too dark. We went outside and take the 60 watts LED Security Light and put on the shelf so we can see while we are working. By the time we are done it was passed 6 p.m..

 We went back inside the trailer and we both took a quick shower. Since I need to buy Odie cat food, (cause Odie threw up two times last night) and the water in our tank is almost out. We decide to go out to eat too.

 We first stop at the Walmart to buy cat food, cat litter, mouthwash. While I was shopping at Walmart, I phone Lawrence again, this time he answer the phone, I ask him “Did you mail the letters?”, he told me he did that two day ago. I told him that will be fine, and I told him he needs to finish his homework if he has any. Also I told him you need to walk to school since I will not be home until 1/10 or later. 

  Next thing Tom said why we don’t buy steak for tonight dinner. So I pick up lettuce and tomato.  Next we went to Safeway to look for the French bread, but they are totally out. On the way out I saw they have peanut cookies, and blueberry muffins, I pick both of them and went to the check out. Safeway only have one register open, so I have to wait for a while before my turn. Then Tom turns around and we went to Neighborhood Market to look for French bread and dressing. While I was at the bread area, I saw the cheesecake which looks petty good, so I buy it too. We went back to our trailer and cook for dinner.

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