Thursday, December 30, 2010

Yuma Winter Trip (Day 14)

12/30/10 (Thursday)

We woke up and started driving to L.A. We stopped by the dim Sum place and eat, but this time I did not buy any pearl milk. After eating, Tom parked our trailer next to the McDonald Place in Monterey Park. Lawrence stay at the trailer while Tom and I walked to look for convenient water outlet. On the way we find several places which we can fill up our trailer. But the best one was still at Dewey & San Gabriel closed to the dimsum place. Tom parked the trailer there and we all have a nice hot shower. Then We went to eat at Sam Woo restaurant. We went back to trailer and went to bed. In the morning we got 2 parking tickets during the night; one at 2 am and another at 6 am for parking with no overnight permit and one on parking on red line. San Gabriel city law require overnight parking permit on all the street between 2 and 6 am. $50 for each.