Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Yuma winter trip (Day 6)


Tom and I went to the Mexico around 11:00 am, so we can parked our truck outside the Sleepy Hollow Park without paying the $5 parking. When we walked in the Dental Office it was only 11:15a.m. We met a guy name William from Colorado, city of Greely. He told me that he used to be a tuck driver for 15 years and also he had Blood Cancer 10 years ago. His wife also had cancer 6 years ago, but she did not make it, she passed away after one year. William also told me he had a heart attack just a year ago and within 5 years, he already had 5 hearts. After that Tom wants to buy a belt for his lose jean. Tom finds a belt he likes, but the lady said we sell it to us for $12. I told her I can buy one in the U.S. for $10, why would I buy one for $12, the lady said fine, she would sell it to me for $10. I told Tom we should leave and go buy some place else. But Tom told the lady how about $9. Finally we pay for $9 for Tom belt. When we are at the Custom we meet William and his wife again in front of us. When I go through the custom there was a lady officer keep looking at my passport picture and told me it does not look like me and ask me “if I have a driver license” I gave her my license and told her that it does not look like me either. She also questions me why are you come all the way here? I told her it was for medicine.
On the way back to the trailer on Sidewinder Road after we past the gas station. We found the long term visitor area (LVTA). Tom wants to check out the other side of the 14 days area. Half way on the dirt road, Tom truck was stuck in the loose sand. We try to push our truck, but it does not work. I told Tom why don’t I go get some one to help us.
So I was walking back to the trailer. It took me about 15 minutes to walk to reach our trailer where Lawrence stay during the time we were gone. By the time I told Lawrence what happen to our truck, I saw a guy riding a motorcycle just passing by our trailer, he said “Hi” to me, then drove off. While I was getting the plank of woods from inside the trailer (next to our cat sand box), I receive a phone call from Tom that he got out from the loose sand. He is on the way back, just wait for him. So I start packing us lunch, so we can eat it in the main library. Then I receive a second call from Tom that he will be back soon, he is helping a guy on a motorcycle which was stucked in the sand too. I told Tom that is he the guy just passed by our trailer? Indeed he is the one, later the guy who drove the motorcycle come over talked to me please said thanks for me to your husband. I asked him what his name is. He told me “Scott” from Idaho and he is 83 years old. Later Tom comes back and Scott drove to our trailer and thanks us again.After that we went to the Main Library and stay until it closed.
We went to CVS to buy a pet house for our cats (cost $10). We did not know exactly where is locate, Tom wandered around on the library side and misses one street. So we went to a far away CVS, but they did not have it. We end up going back to the one which was closer to the Main Library.

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