Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 18 - Trip to Oregon-Wash St. (Last day)

7/28/09 (Tues)

Tom and I got up at 8:30 a.m. in the morning, we had some ham and eggs left over from yesterday. Lawrence have cereal for breakfast. Tom checked the weather in Yreka, which will be 102F degree today. We packed up the trailer and left the place around 10:00 a.m. in the morning. I took a lot of Mt. Shasta pictures, which was the tallest Mt. in the area. Odie was crying for no reason, we were thinking Odie needed to go to the sandbox. Tom stopped the truck in one of the exit and let Odie go to the trailer. While we were waiting, Tom wants me to take a picture while stand close to the Mt. Shasta.

We reach Redding Safeway gas station to get gas cost $2.71, with the Safeway Card discount. Before it cost $2.74 a gallon, we saved 3 cents with the card. I also buy a ice drink for Lawrence from the gas station. (we found out that we did not have internet at this Safeway anymore. When Tom get out from the gas station, I saw there was a Redding Library near by. Tom find the nice parking near the library, but we could not able to start the air-conditioner. It kept flipping the breaker every time we wanted to start it. So Tom just have to keep driving to next city Anderson to eat at Panda Exp, we also bring both our cats inside the store. Because the weather was very hot, it was 110F degree, both our cats could not be able to stay in the trailer. We try to look for water in the rest area to take shower, but it was too hot and could not find water close by the road.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Day 17 - Trip to Oregon-Wash St. (On the way home)

7/27/09 (Mon)

I cooked ham and eggs for breakfast. Our truck engine light was lit again, so Tom wanted me to go to the Toyota dealer to ask them to check what wrong with the engine. The Toyota dealer people was very nice, he checked it for me and written down what wrong when I ask him to do so. He even cleared the engine light for me and told me you need to clean it or the light may be turning back on again. I said thanks and went to the part center to look for Tom. Then we head back to the trailer. We hooked up our trailer and went to Costco for gas, we should have done it on the way back from the dealer, but we forgot.

We were looking for rest area to get water. We reached one of the rest areas, but no water, next rest area has water, but it was in the middle of the rest area. So next time, don’t stop in Sutherlin rest area, stop at Rosesburg which have a nice shaded rest area.

When we arrived Medford, Oregon around 6:40 p.m., our gas was almost totally empty, only less than a gallon left in the gas tank. We went in Costco to have lunch, I brought the sandwishes from the trailer which I made yesterday afternoon. I bought a Yogurt and Churro. Before we left Costco I bought Friskies 48 cans which cost $19.49 with no tax added. Then we went to next door Wal-mart, Tom bought 5W-20 motor oil for his truck, I bought 4pc steak knifes and 24 color pencils for Lawrence school. When we went back to our trailer, Tom smelled the propane, later on Tom found it was leaking from one of our propane tank. Tom fixed it with the white tape, then we kept on driving to the next stop. We stopped at Yreka and found a Walmart, which we saw several trailers already parked inside the lot. We parked our trailer closed to the tree, so we could have some Shade next morning. We went inside the Walmart just to cool ourselves down. After a little while, and started cooking dinner for the night. We have oysters with Choi-Sum and pork ribs for dinner.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day 16 - Trip to Oregon - Wash St. (Salem Or)

7/26/09 (Sun)

I get up in the morning (about 8:30 a.m.) to feed my cats and clean the sandbox. I re-heat the fish and tofu soup from yesterday for breakfast; we also have one big roll from Winco Market, which look like a Food-4-Less store open 24 hours too. Then we packed up our trailer to head to South 205 highway; we stop by the Winco Market again to buy some meat which was only cost $2.28 a lb, we bought three packs of meat and 2 packs of round steak for $ 3.88 a lb. It was cheaper than San Jose. Before we went to the checkout, Tom saw the plastic baskets that will fit the trailer shelf. (Only cost $.99/ea). The weather was hot outside, it felt like 95F or over to me. On the way to Salem, Tom truck engine light lit up. Tom said only a minor problem, so we kept on driving. We reached Capitol of Oregon in Salem around late aftertnoon.

We stopped our trailer at the Walmart parking lot, which was close to Air Force Base, for a short while, then we went to Costco to buy the cheese and X-Small Oysters. I told Tom we should go to Lowes to buy bathroom cabin, we found out it cost $ 21.99. We tried it out and make sure it will fit inside our bathroom. Then Lawrence and me wanted to eat dinner outside instead of cooking dinner in the trailer, because Salem weather is also very hot, which feel like 97 degree too. First Tom wanted to go to the taco place, but Lawrence and me wanted to go to Panda Express. After we looked over both stores, we all wanted to go to Panda Express. I ordered 2 items, which cost $5.79/ea, I had two orders totaled $11.58, we brought our own soda. Tom drove to the Salem Capitol to take some pictures.

I saw there was squirral following us, I took pictures of one of them and this squirral did not run away, he let me take a close up pictures of him. I went back to my truck and find one cherry and feed it to the squirral. On the way back, I see Big-Kmart near the Walmart. Tom wanted to go around the Air force base to see if we could reach Big-Kmart. We did able to get to Big-Kmart. We did not found any thing we wanted. We head back to our trailer and we have some Ly Chee, apple and cherry for desert. I wanted to have some ice cream, so I went to Walmart. When I came out the store, it was past 10:40 p.m.. Then we all had ice cream (drumstick and then I started writing my journal until 12:20 a.m. in the morning. Before I went to bed, I went outside the trailer and cleaned up the sandbox.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day 15 - Trip to Oregon - Wash St (Portland Or)

7/25/09 (Sat.)

Tom drove to Flying J to fill the water up and drive to nearby Outlet. Lawrence, Tom and both cats all take a shower, Tom parked the trailer in the back of the building. We find a drain next to where we parking, so after the shower, Tom can drain the water. Then Tom drove the trailer back to Flying J to fill up the water again. We were looking for lunndry place to wash our clothes. We found one in Fairview and double loads cost us $2.30, I had 2 double loads of clothes to wash. Tom found out the laundry also has free wi-fi internet. So he went back to the trailer to get the computer, later I told my son to come to the laundry, because the trailer was getting hot. After we finished, Tom found a Comfort Suties, which has free internet. We parked our trailer and I walked over to Safeway to buy more tasty French Roll. When I came back from the Safeway, the trailer was getting too hot for me to stay. I told Tom I wanted to go somewhere and we found a WinCo Market which they had a cheaper roll 12ct cost only $2.48 and one gallon water cost $.30 cents. (Safeway one gallon cost $ .41 cents) Tom saw a laundry, we went inside and check the price, this laundry was more expensive and had no free internet. Next door was a Goodwill store, we went inside and take a look. The things were very expensive. Then we left the store and went back to the trailer. Lawrence was still playing the computer. After I finished putting the food away. Tom took me to downtown Chinese stores but got lost and found many Chinese stores near 82 SE & Division Street. I went to one of the Chinese Bakery store and buy two wife cakes and thouand year old egg cakes. (each cost $1.50 each) I saw the Chinese store name Chang Fa Market (8310 SE Division Street, Portland, Or 503-788-8882)
the store lady was very nice, she told us where to found more Chinese stores, just around the corner. It was getting late as it past 8:40 p.m., we went back to the trailer and cooked dinner.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 14 - Columbia River & Multnomah Falls

7/24/09 (Friday)

In the morning, we got up and cleaned the trailer and cat area. Then Tom tried to move to a corner spot but found it occupied. Then we waited some more time and find a corner spot near the back.

Tom detached the trailer from the truck and went to see the waterfall. We used the historical road and found the Vista House.

We could see the Columbia River stretch a long way. There was a gift shop in the 2nd floor and I bought 2 magnetic calendar with Mount Hood and Multnomah Falls picture. One Portland night magnetic and one poster of Multnomah Falls. We went to see the first falls name Laconda Falls which is only ¼ miles to walk, it look very tall, because we standed very close to it.

Then we went to Bridal Falls, which was 2/3 of the mile round trip.

The last falls was Multnomah Falls, which we could not find any parking.

Our son also refused furiously when we parked on the “authorized personnel only”. We only take few pictues and have to come back to our truck. We all were very hungry and we see a Safeway and went inside, Tom see a roll cost $2.99 for 12 ct, it was very crunch and tasty, next thing I saw they sell chinese food too, I want some, but Tom told me we should eat our roll instead. I wasn’t happy about it, but I found out the roll was very good too. We almost finished all the roll by the time we get back to the trailer. We all have lunch inside the trailer.

On the way to Vancouver WA across the river, we saw floating house on the Marine Dr. which was next to the Columbia River. Next thing we went to Vancouver Mall, WA which we had Thai Food in the Food Court. But Lawrence did not want any food, he wants to save mom money. But I bought it anyway ( it cost me $7.89 including 2 items Thai chili Chicken and Shrimp and small drink). On the way back on local road, we saw and went to Big-K, the T-shirt was 3 for $10. After that we went back to Safeway to buy some more rolls which we all like it very much. Then we went to Target to buy cat sand for the sandbox, a wall clock for the trailer, and underwear for Tom and Lawrence. By the time we came out the Target, it was already 9:40 p.m.. We went back to our trailer and have dinner for the night.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 13 - On the way to Portland Oregon

7/23/09 (Thur)

We stopped by Oregon City Shopping Mall, Tom want to go to Oregon Trail Historical Museum. But Tom could not found the place, we stopped and Tom checked the map again to see where we were. Later Tom found it was next to 17th street, but it was one way street, we had to turn in 15th street to get there.

We only took some pictures outside the building, cause you have to pay $9 for each person and it will take you all day to see them all. Tom did not want to stay all day in the Oregon Trail. So we drove to Portland's Walmart trying to stay for the night, but found we could not stay overnight. On the way there we saw some Chinese market and restaurant, we parked at Walmart parking lot and walked over to the stores. But Lawrence did not want to eat there. We then drove to Troutdale to look for Flying J. Tom took a wrong turn on I205, because Lawrence forgot to tell us to turn ahead of time. We ended up going to Chinatown; we could not found any parking for our trailer. We left Chinatown and drove to Flying J. There we saw there was a TA next to it and had better parking to spend the night. I told Tom I wanted to eat at Popeyes at the TA gas station, but Tom missed the exit. We went inside the Outlets and I buy a paring knife cost $.99 cents and French Fry Slicer for $3.99 (Kitchen Collection). Then we went into Le Gourmet Chef to buy Pump & Pour Fizz cap (for the soda bottle). After that we went to Popeyes to eat dinner, which cost us $16.58. We walk back to our trailer and slept for the night.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 12 - Eugene Oregon

7/22/09 (Wed)

I went to the Firestone store next to the mall trying to get my credit back. When I walked inside the store, all the salesmen were in the garage. So I got myself cup of coffee and waiting for them to come back in only a short time later. One salesman came in and talk to me, I told him that I needed his help to credit me the Road Hazard Protection which no one told me in the first place when they added this on my bill. The salesman tried to tell me this service is very important to me, if my tires blew out or have problems later on, they will fix it. I told him I only use this truck for vacation, most of the time would be in my garage. Plus I have my car insurance anyway if I have problem. Then the salesman told me I need to go to downtown location to get my refund, because they were not the some store, he could not credit me in his store. I told the salesman I got lost two times yesterday. The salesman told me he could call the downtown store to see what could they do for me. I heard him told them I was not happy about the add on service, this lady needed her credit back. And told them to adjust on their computer and faxed the paperwork
back to him. While I was waiting I filled up my coffee. Tom called my cell phone, I told him I was waiting for store credit. Only few minutes later the salesman brought me the fax form to sign and give me a copy. I went back to the trailer and help Tom packed up the trailer. Tom found there was some berry which is 13 parking space to the office building direction.

I fixed some lunch and brought it to the bookstore for Lawrence to eat. When I came back I helped Tom to hook up the trailer.

Here is some more pictures of our cat.

We head to Portland, which was 116 miles. Tom forgot to take an exit on interstate 5, it took us extra 10 miles one way. After driving 15 miles, we went into the first rest area to look for water outlet but could not find any. Tom drives to the next rest area, which was 37 miles. By the time we get there we only saw one water faucet next to the restroom. We decide to use our new bigger water bottles to get the water. Then we all took a shower including both cats, Tom told me since it was past 7:00 p.m. We should cook dinner for the night. By the time we finished eating the dinner, it was already past 8:00 p.m. We took a small rest and Tom start driving to Portland. We arrived at Woodburn about 10:00 p.m. and I saw a Walmart. Tom exited and drove inside Walmart parking lot, we saw several RV. We went in Walmart and did some shopping. When we came out Tom moved to a more quiet spot to stay for the night. (Woodbrun is about 30 miles from Portland)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 11 - Second day in Eugene Oregon

7/21/09 (Tues)

We all had cereal for breakfast in the morning. Lawrence wanted to go back to the bookstore again, as soon as he finish cereal he went back to the store. Tom and me went to look for tire store, cause Tom wants to change both his rear tires of his truck. First stop we went to the Firestone in the same mall to check the price, salesman gives us two difference prices, one is two for $207 and the another were $333. Later on he told us he did not have either tires in the store, he sent us to the downtown location. Next we went to American Tires store to check on the price, we found a set of exact size tires. The salesman told us these tires were made in Japan and the tires were about nine months old. Tom wanted to check Walmart store to see if the tire would be cheaper, when we were in Walmart the salesman told Tom if you want this metric (31 X 10.5) tire, you needed to change all four tires? They could not sell you two tires per the store policy. Then we went to Firestone at downtown location, which was past 5:00 p.m. they have the tires Tom wants and it will cost us $320 for both tires, after I applied for the Firestone credit card it will be 10% and totals cost will be $288. While we were waiting we went to the Eugene Library, it only took us 5 minutes to walk over there.

Around 5:35 p.m. the salesman called Tom cell phone said our truck was ready to pick up. We got the truck and went back to Barn and Nobel to pick up Lawrence and went to Wendy for dinner. After that we went to Super Walmart again to buy air filter, oil filter and milk. After we got back, I found out Firestone charged us the Road Hazard Proction for both tires costing $38. The salesman did not told me in the first place and I would not want it. Tom told me I should call first thing in the morning.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 10 - Arrived at Eugene Oregon

7/20/09 (Mon)

Next morning Tom woke up early and took a bicycle ride next to the mall bike path.

We all went to the mall, it looks big from outside, but when we were inside the mall was very small. Only have one floor and the shops were very small.

Valley River Mall has Macy’s; Jc Penny; and a lot of small shops and one big cinema. Lawrence wanted to go to the Barn and Nobel across the parking lot and we just keep looking around at the mall. Then Tom and me went back to the trailer for sandwish lunch. I told Tom we should drive our truck next to the Barn and Nobel, so Lawrence could walk back to the trailer for lunch. I called Lawrence to come back for lunch, after we all finished, Lawrence went back to the store for reading. I went with Lawrence and Tom was sleeping in the trailer. After about an hour, Tom called my cell phone and asked me if there any table for his computer. I checked and called to tell him there were several tables. Tom found out three was no internet there. We stayed inside the store until past 5:00 p.m. then we went to Costco. Which was not too far from the mall, only about 10 miles, we had dinner at the Costco. After that we went to a Walmart nearby, we found an 18 inches TV for the trailer. After we open the TV box, Tom found out it did not look like the demo model at the store, so I returned the TV. Tom drove the trailer back to the River Valley Mall for the night. We parked next to the bookstore and Lawrence went back to the bookstore. We went to walk in the PetCo, it was very small inside, only took us few minutes, and we were done. Then we went next door to Ross store, we were there almost an hour, then I walk over to the bookstore to see Lawrence. Tom went back to the trailer by himself. I stay with my son until 9:40 p.m. . Tom registered with the mall security and stayed overnight at the far northeast corner of the mall parking lot.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 9 - Last day at Salmon Bay

7/19/09 (Sun)

I woke up and first took care the cat stuff. Then I started cleaning up the trailer and then went to the pay shower. It costed me $.75 cents for 3 ½ minutes time. When I came back from the shower Tom almost finished hooking up the trailer too.

I told Lawrence to take a quick shower inside the trailer, after he finished Tom and both cats went for shower too. But after Tom and Ben Ben done, we went out of water for Odie. We drove to the water outlet to get water before Odie could have a quick shower. We were having a long line. It took us almost an hour before we finished getting the water and dumped.
Our first stop was casino in Florence, they had free drink which was good for the lunch with sandwiches. Then we headed to Eugene, which was 56 miles from Florence. When we arrived at Eugene, first we saw was Super Walmart, we stop by there and walk around the store. Next stop Tom found the Valley River Mall. It was Sunday the mall had already closed at 6:00 p.m., Tom drove around the parking lot and try to see if there was any wi-fi. But we could not found any, so we stopped and slept near the Regal theater for the night.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Day 8

7/18/09 (Sat)

Here is some old boat pictures.

We all went to the Florence to eat at KFC for lunch. After that I told Tom I want to go to Grocercy Outlet to shop. When Tom and me went inside the store, I saw there were two cats. One look almost likes our cat Odie, but only about 6 months old. Then we stopped by Fred Mayer for cocktail shrimps, six rolls, and meat. We saw there was a very cheap gas station name 76, which only $2.49 for a gallon. We headed back to Salmon Bay and Tom went to catch crabs. I started cooking dinner, waiting for Tom to bring me some crabs for dinner. I went to see Tom if he catch any crabs; we were very lucky we caught about 6 carbs for the evening. While Tom was cleaning the carbs, I was preparing for the dinner. I asked Lawrence helped me to wash the dishes, after that we read and Lawrence play the DS game. Around 11:40 p.m., we all went to bed.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 7 - Winchester Bay, Oregon

7/17/09 (Fri)

I woke up around 8:30 a.m. Fed the cat and cleaned the sandbox. I took a shower in the trailer after that we pulled our trailer to the waste dump and the electicity was free. We drove 18 miles to Salmon Bay and parked temporary near the entrance. We saw there were trailer show at the parking lot again. Also had parking lot sales, Tom and I walked to the RV trailer show. We found out that they were all used RV and the price were not cheap. Then we walked to the parking lot sales, they had many difference items. But they were not useful to me, we just looked around and walked back to our trailer. I found Lawrence sleeping inside the trailer, I told my son that we were moving our trailer while he slept. We found a nice spot to stay over night, it costed $11 a day and I paid for two days. Tom and I went to next small town called Reedsport to get water. We passed by the Cash King store again, but it was already closed at 6:00p.m. The gas price on Shell gas station was cheaper at $2.59/gallon.

Tom tried to start his truck, but it didn’t start. We tried to look around see if any auto shop near by, so we can get a new battery. But all stores were closed at 6:00 p.m. except food shop. Tom told me to call our Center 21 insurance to get help. They sent a locksmith to jump start our truck. It took the locksmith 25 minutes to get to where we were. During the wait, we walked across the street to Price and Pride to get some water, it cost .35 cents per gallon. Then we walked back to our truck and went inside Safeway to look around and waiting for the locksmith. When we were inside the Safeway just a short time, my cell phones rang. The locksmith told me he was right next to our truck. We went outside and he already pulling the jumper cable, only took him a minute to start Tom truck. We headed back to Salmon Bay and I started cooking dinner for the night.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 6

7/16/09 (Thur)

We all have cereal for breakfast. We went to library in North Bend first, we stayed there for about 2 hours.

Then we went to Grocary Outlet to buy Iams cat food for $15.99. ALL detergent cost $2.99 for 32 loads and the Dawn Dishwashing cost $1.99. We drove back to our trailer to drop off Lawrence and got the dirty clothes to the wash. The first laundry shop we found were very close to Walmart, but the price was high. Then we drove down the road to the one we were there last year.

It costed us $2.50 a load. We had two loads and $1.75 to dry our clothes. We went to Walmart one last time to buy lemon juice, apple was on sale for $.98 cents, which was $1.45 the other day. We did not get back to the trailer until pass 9:30 p.m. Lawrence was very hungry and I started dinner right away.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 5 - Coos Bay Oregon

7/15/09 (Wed)

I woke up very eaily in the morning; first thing I do was to feed both of the cats (Odie and Ben Ben). Then I cleaned up the sandbox. I found out the casino big trashcan was very close by. Only take less than 2 minutes walk. We all had cereal for breakfast, then we all went out. First stop Tom took us to FredMeyer, I saw some sirloin steak and Rost Beef on sales. But Tom told me since we are going to taco Bell for lunch, we should buy them later. We went to Walmart to return something.

We found a thrift store near downtown North Bend. We bought a small bowl for only $.25. On the way back to the trailer I saw there was a library nearby the casino. We all went to the library and used the internet. But my computer was not able to go into the internet. We stay there until 7:40 p.m.. The library is close at 8:00 p.m. on Mon-Wed. I told Tom I need a new compter, so we all went to Walmart again to look for one. But Tom and Lawrence could not found a good and cheap computer.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 4 - Bandon Oregon

7/14/09 (Tues)

Tom drove his bike to the light house few miles away.

We were leaving today to Coos Bay. It only takes 20 miles from the Bandon. After we parked the trailer at the Mills Casino, I made sandwiches for lunch. We all went to the Walmart. I bought a lot of things, totals cost over $120. Then we went back to the trailer at the casino. I found out some of the things I bought needed to be returned, caused the size either too small or too big. I decided to return to Walmart tomorrow. I made a dinner then we went to bed very early. (Before 11 p.m.)

Monday, July 13, 2009

3rd Day - On the way to Bullard Beach SP near Bandon, Oregon

7/13/09 (Mon)

I woke up in the morning at 8:00 a.m. clean up the trailer and swept the floor, then I went to Grocery Outlet shopping. Back at the trailer door, I saw a man with a very small dog looking at our trailer. I told him my cat was bigger than his dog, then we started talking for a short while. Tom came out from the trailer and started talking to the man (Dan Sevier).He was living up on the nearby hill (Mobile Home Park). It cost $260 a month in a small Toyota Camper around 21 feet including the truck.

We are heading to the Bandon where Odie lost here last year, I found out this camp ground only use Visa and Master Card. Next time when I come to Oregon, make sure to bring the Visa Credit Card. We reached the Bullard Beach around 4:00 p.m., the Ranger at the front gate gave us C40 campsite, by the time we found the site. We saw a boat parking at the site, there was a man qashing his boat. Tom found out that this site did not have the Dumpster at all. I went back and talked to the Ranger, she told me all the sites with the Dumpster were reserved. Tom decides to stay at the same site (C40).

I finished cleaning up the car sandbox then I went to take a shower with Lawrence. Tom took the trash by riding the bike. Tom took me to the Price ‘N Pride to get water, it cost .25 a gallon. We also found the cereal were on sales 3 for $5.00 and the milk was on sales too only $1.88. They were even cheaper than San Jose, so we bought both of them.

The ocean was low tide that afternoon, so we did not able to catch any crab. Tom wanted to try to dig some clams, but he did not found any clam. After Tom came back to the truck, we saw one boat was pulling up to the pier. Tom was cleaning up the shovel, we saw the man cleaning up some big fish. He offered us the left over fish. We went back and started cooking the fish. The fish tasted very good, and then we went to use the left over fishes to catch some crabs. We were there for only an hour, we caught about 10 crabs.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

2nd Day

7/12/09 (Sun)

In the morning we went to 76 gas station to get some propane. But the line was too long, one class A and one person with two propane bottles waiting at the gas station. The 2nd person told us, he will go to U-Hual to get propane, and it will be faster. So we went down the same street, only 2 minutes from the 76 gas station. It was cheaper too, only $2.02 gallon and the 76 gastation will cost $2.29 a gallon. Tom pulled up too close to the curb and the trailer tire was stuck to the crub. When Tom tried to pull the trailer away from the crub, I was lookins at the tire only, did not see there was a speed sign next to the top of the trailer. The shade was scratched by the speed sign.

We reached Brookings around 8:00 p.m., we filled up our gas at the Shell station, the gas cost $2.97 and the propane was a lot cheaper only 1.79. I took 3 pictures at the gastation, Tom was not happy to see the price was cheaper than Ukiah. After that we went to Grocery Outlet. We have ribs for dinner and stayed overnight there.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

1st Day - 2009 Oregon Trip

7/11/09 (Sat)

We started load up our trailer in the afternoon, by the time we finished it was passed 4:00 p.m. When we were at Novato City we saw Castco right by the highway 101, next time we can stop there. After that we saw Windsor City, I think it is the first exit, I saw WalMart next on highway 101 too. We stop at Ukiah Raley’s to buy pork steak, salad and Maruchan noodles for dinner. Then we slept at Ukiah for the night outside Raleys.