Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Tucson Winter - (day 5)

12/25/13 (Wednesday) -- sunny temp. 69 degree, windy at night

We have small breakfast and start work on the roof. Tom needs to remove all the wood and the blue tarp cover.


 Then he needs to make them more level to prepare for the felt ($21.99 for 72’ long and 36 in widths) Tom staples the felt one by one, we rolled three rows of felt on top of our roof.

 By the time we finish lay out all the felt and finished staples it was dark already, so we went back inside the trailer and I went to take a shower while Tom was watching TV. After I finish I start cooking steak with potatoes and corn, while I was cooking, Tom went inside for a shower. Later Tom told me that the water was over flow so I went outside to open valve to drain the waste tank. Before Tom comes out from the shower, I was already finished cooking. I start putting the food on the plate and spread out the butter for the potatoes. Also I mix the margarita drink for the dinner. Odie was sitting with me while I was having my dinner. At night we both can hear the wind blowing. Tom remember that he forgot to close the storage shed door. So we get up in the middle of the night and closed the door. It was windy but not too cold, feel like 40 degree at the middle of the night.

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