Thursday, December 26, 2013

Tucson Winter - (day 6)

12/26/13 (Thursday) Windy speed up to 7-10 mph

We wake up with the wind blowing in the morning. Tom needs to closed the awning because we are afraid the wind will rip awning apart. First we stop by the library at Mark Rd. I walked inside and feel small but not too many people inside. I asked the lady who work there “Do you have Wi-Fi at this location.” she told me “yes” we have. Next I asked her “Do you have any outlet, she showed me several of them on the wall.

 After that we went to Lowe’s to buy wood for the shelf in the shed.  It cost $26.99 for  a half inch thick 4x8. We bought one. We found out that it does not cost us anything to have it cut. So Tom asks the worker to cut them evenly into 4 pieces for us. We also buy small screws and latch to keep the storage door stationary when open.

 We went to the 99 cents store to check out the eggs, but I found out the eggs is not cheap here either, it cost $1.79 a dozen. I decide not to buy the eggs.  I saw the grape sell for 99 cents a pound, I pick up one bag (2.25/lb) and Tom found the TV connector 2 for 99 cents. Next we went to the Chickenuevo for lunch. I buy enough chicken for dinner too. (Total 10 pieces with small drink for $16.40)


  I told Tom we need to buy some pork bone for the soup. After Tom drove to the Food City he felt so sleepy that he stays outside to sleep while I was shopping. After I finished loading the food onto the truck, I saw water machine outside the door. Instead of going back to Safeway to get water I just full up the 5 gallon here.  On the way back to the land I saw the Fry’s Food near the Ajo Way.  The wind die down before we got back to the land around 4:00 p.m.  Tom feel sleepy again, so he is taking a nap while I was playing with the cat.  After Tom wake up it was already passed 6:00 p.m. and we only able to put one piece of plywood shim then it was too dark to continue to work. Before we went back inside the trailer, we charge all the screwdriver batteries. Since I have the pork bone I cook soup for the night. While I was waiting for the soup done cooking, I start writing this journal.

P.S. I noticed my eyeglasses is missing, I try to look for it. But even after I search all over the trailer and truck. I still could not find my glasses. I though I left at the Grand Buffet, but when I called the place, the person who answer the phone told me that the only glasses they have is black. I told him I will come and check on it.

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