Saturday, July 14, 2012

Oregon Coast summer trip - (Day 8) - Coos Bay

7/14/12 (Saturday)

After breakfast (Ham & eggs with French bread) we went to the North Bend Library, it opens from 11:00am – 5:00pm.  We got there around 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon, we stayed till 5:00. After, Tom wanted to go to Coos Bay Library (South 6 street and Anderson) to check their library hours.

  We went to the Grocery Outlet and we bought 2 cans of corn, Beef Jerky, and a plastic holed-scoop for my mom.  Next Tom stopped by Walmart to buy yellow corn for .38/ea, we bought 4; bananas for .50/lb; Squeeze Honey to mix in to salad dressing; Vaporub for Lawrence cold; chip; Kraft Velveeta cheese for $5.88 instead of value brand for around $4.50.

  After shopping we went back to our trailer and start cooking dinner.  Tom started the generator, so we can have electricity and charged up the battery. But it is not charging and our trailer interior light was very dim. So we turned of all the 12 volts lights and used our flash light to light up our trailer.  Tom is thinking to buy a new trailer battery.  Because the battery is very 4 years old and loose charge very fast as soon as we turned off our generator.

  We have one can of yellow corn; hot chili bean; crab; and Nacho Cheese for dinner.  I finished washing all the dishes and read some books before I went to bed.