Saturday, July 7, 2012

Oregon Coast Summer (Day 1) - San Jose to Ukiah

7/7/12 (Saturday)

 I woke up around 9 a.m. even though I did not go to bed until 3 am yesterday. I started putting our clothes in the trailer, after that I cooked breakfast for my family. I went to the library to return all the books and went to the bank and got some cash for the trip. When I came back I took Lawrence to Target to get some frozen food; I bought him a cash card, so he could buy his own food while we are on vacation. By the time we finished packing, it was passed 8 o’clock, and we all feel hungry. So I decide to go to the King Roll to get some food for dinner.

 It seemed that there was a road change to the Golden Gate Bridge, we missed the Vermont exit and were little lost. We used Market Street and drove toward the Pier to follow the shore trying to reach Golden Gate Bridge. We saw one of the Pier that got burned two weeks ago. We followed the ocean side to the Polk Street, luckily we found the bridge, otherwise we “Pok Guid” (in Cantonese). We reached Ukiah around 2 a.m. (around 160 miles). We found out one of our water bottle was cracked and half our drinking water(2 gallons) was gone. We were thinking of buying another water can in Walmart next morning. We went filled up the gas and drove back to Wal-mart parking lot to sleep.