Sunday, July 15, 2012

Oregon Coast summer trip - (Day 9) - Coos Bay

7/15/12  (Sunday)

I woke up around 10:00a.m. and went outside to clean up the cat litter box.  I also added more sand to the litter box.  I put towel; shampoo; soap and blow dryer into Tom exercise bag.  Then I went to the bathroom behind the RV office and took a quick shower. I blowed dry my hair inside the bathroom too.  (inside the bathroom include shower) I noticed that there was a back door from the bathroom, when I open the door, I found out that it was a place you can wash your cloth.

  I went back to the trailer and started cooking ham and pasta for breakfast.  After I finish cleaning up the dishes, Tom told me the guy (his name is Steve) parked next to us, just walked his cat.  I did see him with the cat. So I went outside with my cat (Odie) to talk to him.  He is very nice and told me he is full time traveler. He and his wife lived in this van for two years already.  I asked him about his cat, about how did he train his cat to walk with him.  He told me that his cat like to walk, he also train her since she was a little.  But he told me his cat does not like other cat.  She has been by herself, never with another cat before, she may fight with my cat, if my cat get close to her. We talked little more that I went back to my trailer.

  I told Tom I needed to buy more sock, I only has one pair left, so Tom asked me beside Walmart, where are the other places that carry socks.  I told him we can go to Fred Meyer.  When we arrived, I looked up the makeup section.  There was a lady looking for makeup, I walked up to her and asked her what kind of makeup I needed to cover my fickle.  She showed me the Maybelline brand, she told me that will work on my face.  I thanked her and started looking for Tom, I could not find him, and so I called his cell phone.  He did not answer my call, later on, I found him on the auto section.  I asked him why he did not answer my call; he told me he forgot to disconnect power and brought his cell phone with him.  He left it inside the truck.

  We passed the kitchen’s handle and knob aisle, I picked out the knobs ($2.29/ea) then I found the handles (cost $3.29) I liked but they don’t have enough pieces.  I needed 9 handles, but this style of handle only had 5 in stock.  So I needed to pick a difference one, Tom found a better one which cost $3.99/ea. We left the store and went to Safeway and bought the beef steak.

  After dinner we decided to go catch some more crab, because we finished eating all the crabs we caught 2 days ago. We did not want to drive too far away. So we drove out to the dock at the city of  Empire. It has a good medium size dock. We arrived at about 9.45pm. There was no one there. We stayed for little over one hour. We got few big one this time and double the crab (what we catch from last time). When we saw some people hanging around the dock, we decided to stop and left.